The Tall Handsome Stranger

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My body moves to the beat swiftly like the wind. I move in sync with my partner as we both shimmy our shoulders and move along with the beat of the song. The moves I have to do makes me feel like a stripper, and I get shy to move like that. Because who would want a lap dance with a girl who's overweight. Actually I'm more curvy, but my insecurity makes me see the worse in myself. The second reason why I became a dancer is to loose my baby fat. Some of it still manages to stick to me. I'm a bit more curvier than I ever was as a kid. The first reason was because all my friends took dance and loved it. I love it too, and it helped me with my shyness. Well, because I'm out there shaking my fat ass on stage. Most of my fat is muscle and doesn't jiggle. Still I always wished I was thinner than I am now. The music stops and my partner and I stop dancing and finish with a pose. Our dance class clapped. I paint in and out, wiping the sweat off of my forehead.
"That was great!" Our dance instructor said. "But just a few constructive criticism." She turns to me.
"Grace you need to add more attitude with your moves. You know move your hips like this." she instructed as she moved her hips. I do the same to test it. "and swing that hair, girl. Make those curls move like the wind. And the hips, your hips are like the most sexiest part in your body. And Darren remember to smile when you're dancing. Take five." I went to my gym bag and grabbed my bottle of water.
"Aye yo Gracie?" Darren says with his street accent. Although he is a sweet guy, I know because he's one of my best friends. "Do you have time to work on our routine after school?"
I take a sip of water before I answer. "I have work after school, how about this weekend?"
"Can't, on Saturday, how about Sunday?"
"My mom wants to go to a church thing that day. Maybe I can get out of it."
"If you can't I can try to cancel my thing. Competition is next month, but it's best if we work on it sooner."
"What is your thing by the way? If you don't mind me asking."
"My girl wants me to herself all day, I can just tell her it's important."
"No you should spend more time with your girlfriend."
"The thing is she's a bit clingy. What do you think I should do?"
"You're asking the girl who has never been in a relationship?"
"You give great love advice."
"For someone who's never been in love with?"
"You'll find the guy. He'll come around."
Yeah, when I'm lower than a size 12. I thought. "Maybe you can bring her with you?"
"Sounds like a plan. See you Saturday, Gracie."
"You too, Darren." I smiled. After dance class was over my other best friend Sadie and I walk to in the streets of Denver to our apartment building. I have a car but the dance studio was so close to school and our homes. My mother doesn't want me to walk in the streets alone because she worries about the Cranks. She's not worried that I'll get infected but more that I can get hurt. Sadie doesn't worry either because she's immune and so am I. I'm glad she's immune. Three of my friends were infected by the Flare last year. I even lost my best friend before Darren and Sadie. My dad caught it when I was eight and left me and my mom so he couldn't hurt us. I miss him a lot and wonder what he is doing. Either past the Gone or dead. Either way it still hurts.
"Do you have your solo ready for competition?" Sadie asked.
"Yeah, I got the song and memorize all my moves, but I'm having doubts." I replied.
"What makes you say that?"
"What if it's not good enough?"
"Oh my God, Grace you are an amazing dancer I've seen your routine. Stop worrying, about it."

"I guess you're right." I said. "I mean I workd on that dance day and night, what could possibly-" as we turn a courner I slammed into someone.

"Woah, sorry." It was a boy's voice, he held my shoulders. I looked up at him because he felt really tall. He was. Tall with broad shoulders. Short cut blonde hair, freckles all over his forehead, cheeks and across his nose, really beautiful hazel blue eyes, an oval shaped face, and full lips. He looked into my eyes, and his face went pale. Like he was scared of me, but I never seen him before. He backed away from me, with terror in his eyes and ran. I raised an eyebrow when he disapeared.
"What's his problem?" I asked.
"I don't know, he's kinda cute though. And buff."
"And a little weird did you see the way he looked at me? It's like he saw a ghost or something."
"Hey remember when you got a fortune cookie that said 'You'll meet a Tall Handsome Stranger'?"
"That's what all the fortune cookies say."
"He's tall, handsome-"
"And a stranger he could be a Crank for all we know."
"It's destiny."
"Whatever. See you at school?"
"Yeah, see you at school. Love ya."
"Love ya, too." We are at that point in our relationship where we pretend we are sisters.

I went inside my apartment, my mother in the kitchen. People say we look exactly like each other. Brown curly hair, although hers is cut short to her jaw, and we're both a bit curvy too. Her face had frown lines from her years of depression. She stares at the picture of my long lost brother and my father. We had to give my brother away for WICKED. They said something about testing children to find a cure for the Flare. That was eleven years ago. He was a year old when they took him. I hardly remember my brother but I always wonder what he is like and what he is doing. I worry about my mother though. I fear I would loose her too someday.
"Hi, Mom." I said snapping out of her daze.
"Oh, hello Grace how was dance practice?"
"Fine, I need to work on my duet with Darren on Saturday. Is that okay."
"In the morning right?"
"Afternoon I guess."
"Oh good. You know I don't want you hanging out in the city at night."
"Yeah Mom I know. Cranks." I rolled my eyes. My mother won't even let me work at nights at the clothing store. She's a secretary, and her boss won't allow her to work on nights.
I plop on the couch and pull out my phone and begin with scrolling though social media. It's my way of taking a break after an exhausting day of dance. I found in a News Feed that the children who were being tested by WICKED have past the Maze trials and are moving for "Phase Two". I was about to say something about it to my mother. But I figured it didn't matter. I scroll past the article. Feeling guilty that I didn't read the rest of it.

I hope you guys like the first chapter. The picture is what Grace looks like. For those of you who are visual.

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