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         I did miss Gally, I was so used to seeing him everyday. Although I was so grateful for him letting me focus on dancing. I was worried about him though ever since his panic attack. For three days, I practiced my ass off for my solo until competition came. Nervous yes. I peaked though the curtain to look for my mother. I see her in the audience but not Gally. Worried, yes. But I need to focus. I can't be worrying a him.

"Big crowd huh?" Sadie asked me.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Do you see Matt?" Matt was Sadie's boyfriend of four months.

"Yeah he's in he third row."

"How about Gally?"

"My mom's here."

"But what about Gally?"

"Not yet."

"Don't worry, he'll show up."

"I'm not worried." I said.

"Ten minutes until call!" The stage manager called. "I repeat ten minutes!"

"Come on let's gather everyone."

We met up with our dance class for our dance instructor to make her big speech.

"Alright, everyone. It's been a great year-" I didn't really listen, she had the same speech every competition. Worries filled my brain. What if Gally doesn't want to be with me anymore, what if he had another panic attack, what if a Crank got him? "And I know you guys will do great. Ready hands in." We all gathered our hands together. "Ready." She began. "One, two, three." we raised our hands in the air and all shout:
"Turn down for what!"

We got into our poses before the music began. I took a quick glimpse for my mother. A boy was sitting next to her. My boyfriend. Confident, I began the routine.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now