Night of Terror

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I triple checked all the doors and windows to see if they were locked. I grabbed a butter knife from the drawer in the kitchen and locked myself in the bathroom. Hiding in the bathtub with the shower curtains covering me. I gripped the butter knife tight to my chest. Praying that Gally returns soon. However waiting for him felt like an eternity. Worries fill my head.

What if he never comes back?

What if a Crank got to him?

What if he's hurt or killed?

All sorts of questions swirled in my head. As I heard the front door opened, I panicked again.

"Grace? Are you here?" I relaxed as soon as I heard Gally's voice.

"Yes I'm here!" I shouted as I ran out of the bathroom. Gally appeared in the living room.

"Gally, what's happening?" I asked as I approached him.

"The end of the world, come on we have to go with the other Immunes. Right Arm keeping them safe. Hand me your keys." I gave him my car keys and he took my hand. We hurried into my car. I was surprised that Gally can drive. He must've learned how to long ago. I still held the butter knife in my hand. I looked at Gally. He a gun strapped to his belt. In that moment I knew it was a moment of terror and we needed to protect each other. However my weapon of choice seemed pathetic compared to his. Gally reached for my hand and held it tight in his.

"It's going to be okay." He told me but his voice sounded like he was trying to tell himself that as well. His voice was calm but had anxiety in his eyes.

"Gally," I sighed. "In case it won't be okay-"

"No don't say that, everything will be fine."

"Let me finish, in case it's not okay. I just want you to know, you have done so much for me in our relationship, you saved me from Jose, calming my breakdowns, and just for being there for me, and I'm so thankful to have in my life. I love you so much, and I always will."

His grip on my hand grew tighter. "I love you, too, Grace. All I ever wanted was to keep you safe. Keeping you safe makes me feel like I have a purpose in life. You are my purpose and I'll be forever grateful that I have you. Not only that, but you've made me a better man." I knew he meant it. He actually looks at me when he's telling the truth. Suddenly the car was slowing down. "No no no no!" Gally panicked. "Please, not now!" I knew it couldn't be low on gas because I just filled it yesterday. "We're going to have to walk."

"What?" I stressed.

"Don't worry, just stay close to me." As soon as I got out of the car a hand grabbed hold of my ankle. I screamed and tumbled down. Placing my other foot on the car door so I don't get pulled under. The Crank was a young women, with long black hair, blood shot eyes, a scarred face and black veins popping from her neck. Gally pulls me away from her but she still holds on to my ankle with a tight grip. I kicked her in the face. Her nose broke under my foot.

Gally and I ran hand in hand through the streets. Three corners later Gally stopped, there was a street full of Cranks. Smashing cars with trash cans, fighting each other, and screaming there heads off.

"Stay close to me." Gally whispered. "Act like you're one of them." He let go of my hand, pull his hood up, looked down, and stuffed his hands in his pockets. I stuffed the butter knife in my dance boots and followed him. I didn't know how to act like an infected, but some of them are potential zombies, so I try to walk with a club foot and swaying my head to make me look like I was in a looney trance. The knife in my boot helped a little. I didn't make eye contact with anyone, I just kept my eyes on Gally's back. I tried to catch up to him while walking with a club foot. He noticed and walked slower.

"You're doing great, keep it up." He encouraged. I felt someone grab my shoulder and jerked me forward. I looked down so the Crank wouldn't see my eyes. Is was a girl, maybe a my age, judging from her height. Her voice was scratchy.

"Aren't you too clean to be a Crank?"

"She's new." Gally answered. "And she's mine!" He took my hand and stopped away. He whispered to me. "I shouldn't have let go of your hand I am so sorry."

"It's okay." I whispered back.

"hey you two get back here!" The Crank Girl yelled.

"Run." Gally whispered and I did. However it was hard with the knife in my boot. I felt nails dig into my sides and I fall over. Crank Girl was on top of me. I scream for Gally but he was tackled by a male Crank. Girl Crank pined me to the ground. I went to school with this girl. I didn't know her name but I recognized her with her hair as red as the blood in her mouth. She down upon me with angry red eyes.

"I went to school with you. I knew you were one of those spoiled little Munies!" I didn't pay attention to her rants. I looked over to Gally who was struggling for freedom. "You can forget about your man. Cause my man is about to kill him." I heard a gun shot and I prayed that Gally pulled the trigger.

"Gally!" I screamed. The Crank Girl looked up and yelled. I figured that Gally had shot the male Crank. She got up and attacked Gally. I reacted and took the butter knife from my boot.

I didn't remember what happened next. Everything was coming so fast. My brain was trying to process it so that's why I blacked out.
"Grace snap out of it!" Gally shouted shaking me. I had realize I've been staring at the Girl Crank's dead body with my butter knife wedged into her chest. I had killed someone. A pang of guilt burned in my heart. Never in a million years I would have picture myself killing someone. Even if it was self defense. I covered my mouth trying to hold in a scream. "It wasn't your fault it was just self defense." He calmed. "Come on we're almost there." He looked behind me as if there was someone in the distance. "Grace look out!" He yelled and pushed me aside. A gun shot blasted my eardrums and Gally fell to the ground. Holding his bleeding ribcage.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora