Love the Way You Lie

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             I decided not to tell anyone about my mother's behavior. Although I will tell Gally that he was right. I went to visit him at his apartment again after self grounding me for two days. Since my mother might not even remember that night. I knocked on his door of his apartment. He opened the door.

"Hey Babe," he greeted kindly. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too." I said. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, absolutely." I walked in and he closed the door behind me. He placed his hands on my hips and kissed me. The taste of his lips, I'm addicted to. But I stopped kissing him because it wasn't what I came there for.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You were right about my Mom." I said. "There is something wrong with her but it's not the Flare. It's something else. Gally, I'm worried about my Mom." Gally sat me on the floor. With his arm around my shoulders.

"Have you ever heard of the Bliss?"

"Yeah, and it's for people who can afford it. It's really expensive."

"Do you think she's getting it somehow?"

"I don't who her dealer could be- God listen to me. Gally she's all I have."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"What did you do when your parents caught the Flare?"

"I uhh got emancipated remember?"

"Yeah, but did you have anyone to turn too?"

"No," he shook his head. "I had no one. But you have me."

"I know, I can always trust you Gally." I laid my head on his shoulder. "I just can't believe my mom kept this from me."

"She probably just want to stick by you. She might have wanted to be your Mom for a little longer. She couldn't leave you alone."

"You're right. You're exactly right. I'm sorry. What would I do without you. I love you so much."

"I love you, too." He took a deep breath. "That's why I have to tell you something." There was something different about his voice. A mix of controlled and painful at the same time. "I think you should breakup with me."


"I don't want to hurt you. So that's why it's best if you breakup with me."

"But I love you."

"And I love you too. I really do-"

"Then why are you asking me to breakup with you?"

"It's complicated."


"I can't- I can't tell you."

"Dammit Gally!" I stood up from the floor. "Why can't can't you tell me?"

"I don't want to hurt you." He stood up too.

"Are seeing someone else?"

"No it's not that."

"Are you cheating on me?"

"No, Grace, I would never."

"Then what? I trust you, Gally, you need to trust me." He turned away from me to face the wall, held his fists to his head and took a shaky breath. "You know those kids who WICKED took and put them through trials?"


He turned back his eyes screaming in pain. "I was one of them." My mouth dropped.

"That's not all of it, I don't remember anything from my past except from the three years I've spent in the Maze. Three years of trying to solve it. You have no idea of the things that went in there. The fear, the pain, the confusion. Not to mention there was these monsters we called Grievers. That can sting you that you have no idea the kinds of things you see." He paused, tears forming in his eyes. "Your brother was there."

"My-my brother?"

"He was there, he was the youngest kid there. We never really got along, to be honest. But he was the most kindhearted kid in the whole Glade. Then that Shank Thomas came along and made things worse. I hated him the moment he came here. He got everyone out of the Maze though. I wanted to stay behind, because I was scared. I realized if I stayed I would die. So I followed them. But that's when I got stung. All sorts of things were going through my head and I couldn't control it I didn't know what I was doing but I saw myself do it. I wanted to kill Thomas because it was all his fault. I had a gun in my hand." Tears fell to his cheeks. "I pulled the trigger but your brother took the bullet."
I covered my mouth with my hand. Gally noticed my reaction and held my shoulders.

"Grace I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't mean to kill him, I swear. He just sacrifice himself for Thomas. Chuck- your brother- we had our differences but I never wanted to kill him. When I met you, I knew who you looked like but I had to be sure."

"You lied to me." I sobbed. Tears falling down my face.

"I know I lied to you about things and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"You kept this from me?"

"Well, what was I supposed to tell you, Grace? The guilt was eating me alive I wanted to tell you, but how could I?"

"I trusted you."

"I fell in love with you." I started to struggle for freedom from his grasp. But he tried to hold me.

"I trusted you!"

"Grace, please! Listen to me."

"Let go of me!" I finally freed myself from his grip and headed for the door.

"Please, Grace, please. I love you."

"I never want to see you again, Gally!" I cried, opened the door and left.

Driving home, all I felt in anger and betrayal. He kept secrets from me, and lied to me.
I trusted him. I thought. He lied to me.

I came home to find my mother still staring at the same picture. My anger might be controlling me, but I hated that picture for a second.

"How was dance rehearsal sweetie?"

"Fine," I said disguising my voice so it doesn't match my mood. I climbed up the stairs, slammed the door, and plopped on my bed. I wanted to call Sadie and tell her everything. But once I turned my phone on. The wallpaper of Gally kissing my cheek stopped me. I began to scroll through all pictures of me and Gally I took while we were dating. A selfie of us looking at the camera. Another of him looking at me. And another one of us kissing. That's when I wept. All the anger left and came the sorrow. Despite everything he told me and despite the lies. I remember how much I loved him. I still did.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now