Last Kiss

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       I dressed back in my jeans, I told Gally I'll give his sweatshirt back tomorrow but he said to keep it.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, you need it more than I do. Besides, it looks better on you."

"Thank you." I wouldn't want to give his shirt back anyway. It brings me comfort, his shirt smells like him. As if he will always hold me. Plus, I would need something of Gally if my mother never lets me see him again.

We left the apartment building and were about to cross the street to where my encounter with the Crank the night before occurred. Terrified that the Crank will come back I backed away. Gally noticed my anxiety and wrapped his arm around my shoulders protectively. Memories of the previous night blasted in my brain and I begin to cry.

"It's okay," he whispered in my ear. "No one is going to hurt you. I'm here, I won't let anyone touch you." All he did was whisper things of encouragement, until we finally turned the corner away from that terrible street. He still had his arm around my shoulders even though I finally started to calm down. We walked down the busy street on our way to my apartment building. It was when Gally asked me if I was okay. I nodded, then he kissed my forehead. He let go of my shoulders and transferred to my hand. In my head I was trying to figure out how to explain my disappearance last night. Debating if I should tell her the incident with Señor Shaggy or not. I figured I would tell her that my boss made me work late and a Crank tried to rape me so I panicked and I spend the night at Sadie's. But then again how could the words "I got raped" come out of my mouth. I just decided to shorten the story. I worked late that night but managed to go to Sadie's apartment and spend the night there. Total lie but if I told her the truth that I went to Gally she wouldn't let me see him again.

We got to the door and just stood there. I was going to tell him about the lie but he stopped me.

"No Grace I'm going in there with you."

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm-" he paused and took a deep breath. "I'm going to tell her. About Chuck."

"What? Gally no she won't let me see you again."

"Yeah but maybe-"

"You think she's going to forgive you, like I did? I didn't even know him, but my mom did. She gave birth to him and held him. She's been depressed about it ever since I can remember. She won't forgive you."

"I can't live the guilt any longer, Grace. Chuck always wanted to see his mom and by me seeing her now, kills me. That's why I had a panic attack when you brought me over."

"Please, Gally." I placed my hands on his cheeks. "Don't."

"I'm sorry, Grace. The guilt is eating me alive." I knew in my heart I couldn't convince him. So I kissed him. It was the first time I kissed him in two weeks. He kissed me back. I missed the sweet taste of his lips. The way he holds me in his arms. Our kisses were always full of passion. Especially this one. We stopped and I buried my face in his chest.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"Because it could be our last." I answered holding the tears. He held me tight and rocked me for a little while. Then when he let go he opened the door for me. My apartment was trashed. Books and papers were on the floor, furniture was misplaced, the window was broken and the shards of glass were everywhere. But the only thing that caught my attention was the shattered picture frame of the picture of my brother and father below my feet. My mother on the corner lightly banging her head on the wall muttering not to herself.

"My baby is gone." Over and over.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now