An Escort

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A/N really long sorry.

Gally's POV

I saw the pain and fear in her eyes and knew how she felt. I felt the same way when I was in captivity at WICKED headquarters. The feeling of being mentally scarred for life. I didn't want that happen to her. I didn't want her to wake up in the middle of the night screaming like I did. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy. Not even the love of my life.

She sobs on my chest and I tried to comfort her. But I didn't know what to do. She was right, that gorilla like man will try to kill us. But I couldn't let her think that. I was terrified for the both of us. All I could say to her was:

"It's been a long night, you need some sleep." I took her into the bedroom. She puts on shorts and one of my shirts on, then crawled into bed. We normally don't have our own side we sleep on. If one of us sleeps on the right side the then other had to sleep on the left side. Or the other way around. She laid down on the right side of the bed and tried not to rest on her bruise since it was on her right side, she would have to sleep facing me. Bruises were everywhere on my body but I didn't care. I've been through worse.

"Night Gally." She whispered. I kissed her lips.

"Night, Grace." I whispered "I love you."

"I love you, too." I lay on my back but I faced the window to make sure that Crank doesn't watch us like Jose did. Grace kept turning her head to look out the window too.

"Grace, please get some sleep." I asked.

"I can't not when he's out there. He's going to kill us."

"No he won't." I lied, because I wasn't sure if it was true but I couldn't let her to think that. "Babe please just get some rest, you're going to need it." She laid back down. I rub her arm to comfort her. She closed her eyes and relaxed. I still looked out the window. Even though I had no idea what I would do if Gorilla's face showed. All night I kept looking at the window and back to check on Grace to see if she was sleeping yet. I can tell by the slowness of her breathing. Suddenly I was falling asleep my eyelids getting heavy but I tried to keep them open to watch the window. But tiredness has won.

I woke up to the screams from my girlfriend. I stood up as fast as I could. She was holding her head in her hands and crying.

"He's in the apartment!" She cried. I listen to any footsteps but nothing. Other than the sound of Grace crying the apartment was silent. I could only think that she just had a nightmare.

"Grace shhh." I calmed. "It's okay it was just a nightmare." If it wasn't he would be in the bedroom already and the door would be wide open if he was so determined to kill us.

"He's going to kill us!"

"No he's won't. It was just a dream." But she kept babbling and crying and all I could do was hush her and say 'it's okay' to calm her down. I brought her to my chest, even though it hurt, and rocked her. She was shaking real bad.

"It's all my fault." She continued. "Getting raped, my mother gone, and you getting beat up, it's all my fault!"

"Shhh no it's not. It is not your fault. You had nothing to do with it."

"Hey, keep it down I'm trying sleep!" My neighbor yelled.

"Shut up!" I yelled back and slammed my fist at the wall. I kissed her head, she just sobbed saying that he was going to kill us. It was official, the love of my life has been traumatized. Those two slithead Cranks broke her. Just like I was after the Maze. I still didn't know what to do to calm her down because all I got was pills and needles stabbed in me to shut up whenever I have an episode. We lay back down on the bed she clings herself on my side, nuzzled her head in my neck and our legs intertwined. I wrapped my arm around her and stroked her hair with the tips of my fingers. She was still mumbling and crying. I was tired but I didn't care. It took two hours but she was finally asleep. I just stared at the window all night. Never went back to sleep.

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