Broken Boy

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            We laid on opposite sides of the bed, our backs facing each other. I understand Gally was trying to respect my personal space, but I wanted him to hold me. I missed our cuddles. But again, part of me doesn't trust him. He did lie to me, but only to protect his identity. But it didn't matter to lay awake that night to convince myself. We were going to talk in the morning.

"G'night Grace." Gally whispered.

"G'night Gally." I whispered back. There was a short period of silence.

"I love you." He added.

"I love you, too." I replied. Because it was true.

             For hours that night, while I heard Gally snore I lay awake listening the the Cranks outside. They were louder and felt closer. I stared at the door, petrified that Señor Shaggy was going to come out of it. I closed my eyes and flashes of the horrifying scene. When I heard a shout from outside, I stood up and screamed. It awoke Gally.

"Grace, what's the matter."

"I thought I heard him. I thought he was in the apartment"

"No Grace no one is going to hurt you. Not when I'm here."

"Will you hold me? Please."

"Absolutely." I buried my face in his chest as he embraced me. I wrapped my arm over his rib cage. I'm in my favorite place in the world. His arms once again comforting me. His slow breath soothing me. felt his lips lightly touch my forehead. I missed his small affections. I missed everything about him. I managed sleeping through the whole night. By morning, Gally wasn't in bed. I got up to find him in the kitchen. He held two cups of coffee and handed me a mug.
"Sorry, I didn't have any cream and I know you like cream." He said.

"It's okay." I smiled, knowing that he cared. I took a sip of my black coffee.

"Grace are you pregnant?" He blurted out so unexpectedly I almost spit my coffee out.


"That Crank last night said that you were 'knocked up' that means your pregnant right."

"No, Gally I'm not pregnant. I just said that so he would leave me alone. Didn't work." Memories of Señor Shaggy staring peaking through but I pushed it out.

"Oh yeah, I mean we never really "did' anything, but had to make sure. And you didn't 'do' anything with someone else."

"Oh Gally no I would never do that to you."

"I know. I trust you." He said it so casual, of course I believed it. He trusts me, and I need to learn how to trust him back.

"It's time to talk. I want to hear everything."

"You sure?"

I nodded.

"Okay," he sighed and leaned against the counter. And told me everything about the Maze which is the reason why he had to lie about his life. He told me about the monsters called Grievers, and they sting you, make you see things like some images of your past life, Gally got stung and saw things he didn't want to see about our world and out of fear he wanted to shoot A boy named Thomas but my brother jumped in front of him. That's when Gally fired the gun. Then this other kid named Minho threw a spear at him. He almost died. After the remaining kids went to the Phase Two of the trials, Gally got patched up by WICKED doctors but mentally he wasn't okay.

"I had nightmares every night, from the Maze and killing Chuck. I swear I didn't mean to kill him, I never wanted to. We didn't really get along, but he's just a kid." Tears form in his eyes. "While I was in captivity, a spy snuck in and told me about Right Arm. An organization that helps bring down WICKED and offered me a job there. I accepted and they told me in order to get the job I have to pretend to act crazy. So I did and WICKED Had no choice but to let me live on my own." He looked in my eyes. The pain was there, I guess whenever he has then painful look in his eyes, he is reminded about Chuck.

"That's when I met you. When I looked into your eyes, they reminded me of Chuck. You kinda look like him, too. Sometimes you even talk like him. The guilt was killing me. I never thought I couldn't face your mom, knowing I killed her son. I was terrified that I was going to fall in love you. Because if I fell in love with you, I feel like Chuck is hating me for it. His killer with his sister, together." The tears fall down his cheeks.

"I've got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. I had to tell you. I am so sorry that I lied to you. I hated that I had to lie to you, but I was so scared of losing you. I knew I was never going to see you again, once I told you. But I hated the thought. Despite all the lies and the secrets, my love for you is real." I lay my hands on his jaw and pressed our foreheads together. He placed his hands on the small of my back. As if afraid I'll leave him again. But I won't. Because he didn't leave me. That is how much he loved me, Although, my perspective of him is a little different. He holds all his emotions behind a wall. And it takes a lot to break it down. And killing my brother broke his wall. Now all I see in his eyes is a broken boy who lost a little bit of his humanity.

"I know." I whispered. "I trust you."

"Ever since I met you," he began. "I feel like that there is hope in life. That there is a silver lining in all this. I can't explain it but, I need you in my life, Grace."

"I need you, too." Our foreheads just pressed together for a while. A few moments of silence, was all we needed.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now