First comes Like

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WARNING: for those of you who have never seen The Breakfast Club. Watch it or else you'll be very confused

          The walking distance to Gally's apartment was a bit far. But just talking to him on the way seemed very short. My stomach dropped when I realized that the street his apartment was at was a Crank infestation. I've heard so many Crank reports on the news about murders, rapes, and vandalism. But of course they happen at night. Still I got apprehensive just being there. Gally notice the anxiety and asked.

"Grace what's wrong?"

"This street has a lot of Crank reports." I said, shaking. He took my hand.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure no Crank gets you." He smiled. Holding his hand eased my anxiety and felt a hundred times more safer with him. Not to mention he's holding my hand. His hand felt dry but comforting. And at the same time, protective.

We stopped In front of his door as he reached for his pocket. He still hasn't let go of my hand. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. His apartment was small, and had no furniture.

"Sorry, there isn't a place where we can sit." He apologized.

"The floors okay." I assured. We lay our backs against the wall and sat on the floor. As I reached for my computer in my bag. I can feel Gally sit really close to my our thighs were touching. I pull out the computer. lay it on my lap. And inserted the DVD.

The movie began to play. It starts with The Brain's voice in the background starting with the letter. Right in the middle of the movie I looked at Gally. I never notice he had a crinkle in is nose that makes him look like he is scowling and his eyebrows furrowed as well. Still he was very handsome, even the freckles. I turned back to the screen. Where Mr. Vernon lectures The Criminal and throwing him more Saturday detentions. I don't know if he was uncomfortable and wanted more arm room or he really wanted affection. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. There were times when he would laugh at some of scenes. Especially when he found out why The Basket Case went to detention in the first place. I cried when The Brain reveled his suicidal thoughts. I cry every time when he says his monologue. I felt Gally's thumb wipe a tear from my cheek. I look up at him. Our faces were so close again. He turned away from me and looked back at the screen. A small feeling of rejection pang inside. But I brush it off and look back to the movie.

The movie ended, where The Brain finished the letter with "Sincerely Yours, The Breakfast Club." And The Criminal throws his fist in the air. Freeze frame. Credits.

"That was a great movie. And I'm glad it was my first."

"What did you like about it."

"Well, the Criminal guy kinda reminds me of me a little bit. He's an asshole but then again misunderstood. I mean that teacher guy was way worse of a character."

"You are not an asshole." I said.

"Most people would think I am. What about you? What are your thoughts?" I looked at him.

"I love this movie because it's the only movie I've seen that speaks the truth about teenagers. All teenagers are misunderstood. No matter what clique or group we're in we all have different problems, that's how people fall in love sometimes, we fall in love with our flaws, our mistakes. We look beyond them and love the person who they really are." Gally stared at me for a while. His blue hazel eyes, burning into mine. Before I could say anything, he kissed me. Shocked at first, but my confidence returns and I kissed him back. I put my hands on his cheeks and moved my mouth inside his. He stopped and looked at me. The pain in his eyes return.

"I'm sorry." He said and let's go of me. He stands up breathing really nervously. "I'm so sorry."

"Gally it's okay." I calmed standing up.

"No it's not okay." He doesn't even look at me.

"Gally, what's wrong?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder, "Just talk to me."

"I shouldn't have kissed you."


"I can't tell you."

"It's okay, just tell me."

"Grace," he snaps his head back to me and starts yelling. "You wouldn't understand!" His face turned red with anger. I started getting angry.

"I would if you just tell me!" I yelled back.

"Just forget it, will you!" His eyebrows scrunch up in rage. I can feel the stinging sensation in my eyes that warns I am about to cry. Even though I was really angry with him. I cared about him. Before the tears form I turn around.

"Fine maybe I should!" I grab the computer and shove it in my bag. I was about to head out the door until Gally stopped me.

"Grace where are you going?" He demanded.

"Home!" I snapped. "You obviously don't want me here!"

"I'm not letting you go by yourself." He held my arm.

"I can make it on my own."

"Grace, just let me walk with you!"

"Let me go!" I ordered. I jerked my arm from his grasp and stormed out. He continued to followed me calling my name.

"Grace come on, will you just listen to me?"

"Just leave me alone!" I started to cry. He finally caught up to me and turn me around to face him. I didn't want him to see the tears. He put his hands on my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry."

"What is wrong with you?" I sobbed. He paused.

"I wanted to kiss you. I really did. But something inside me was stopping me. Something happened to me in the past that I can't let go of. And I'm trying to forget about it. I just feel like I'm not good enough for you. I really like you, Grace and I wanted to kiss you so bad."

"I really like you, too." I said wiping the tears from my face. "That's why I keep hanging out with you."

"Same. And if I didn't care about you, I would't have followed you." I hugged him. Our embrace lasted for a while. I felt safe again. Gally was a huge mystery, but at this point I didn't care. If he didn't want to talk about it, I shouldn't make him. I really liked Gally and he liked me. He actually liked me. This whole time I wished I knew why he acted so weird but he liked me.

"Please let me walk you home." He said. I looked up at him.

"Okay," I squeaked. He takes my hand and we walked out of the street and into the city.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें