The Maze is Falling Down

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Everyone was panicking, not knowing what to do. They don't know what this place is. I stayed calm. It's what Gally would have wanted me to do. But I didn't know how long I would be in here or if I'll ever see Gally again. The Glade had hand built homes and animals. I was amazed that three years they have spent and they managed to make this awful place a home. I walked towards the opening gates that lead to the maze. The maze. The thing that gave Gally nightmares. I don't know why I was tempted to walk though the doors. A wall with carvings caught my attention. The carvings were names. Some of them were crossed out. I could only imagined why. The crossed out names were the fallen Gladers. I spotted Gally's name and ran my fingers over it. I couldn't believe I was seeing his world though my eyes. I found my brother's name carved a little far from Gally. But it wasn't carved. It was drawn on with some sort of paint. All I could think of was that my brother was here and he made his mark. But it was still sad that they were only kids. Kids around my age. That should be in school, getting dates, making friends. Not being forced to grow up so soon. How could WICKED ever put teenagers and watch them die?
A rumble in the ground shook. I almost lost my balance.

"Grace?" Someone called me. I almost didn't recognize the voice. "GRACE?" Gally. I saw him in the distance and raced to him.

"Gally!" I called. We found each others gaze. He placed his hands on my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes." I said. He kissed my lips and hugged me tight. "Gally what's happening?"

"This place is going to blow up. We have to run." He held my hand. "Don't let go of my hand." His order burned in my skull. Which means I knew I have to follow it. So far everyone got the word and we ran in the maze. Immediately the walls of maze began to crumble and fall. I still held on to Gally's hand. A bolder almost fell on me, Gally pulled me out of the way. We ran next to Minho and Thomas who lead the way encouraging the other Immunes to run faster. I saw a women get crushed under a rock. The shocking image almost made me stop. I looked behind me for just one second and I saw my friends struggling to catch up. I shouted at them for encouragement. Darren was crushed. The boy who was always there for me. Who gave me a chance to fall in love. I was completely heartbroken. I wanted to run to him. But Gally told me to keep up. Tears filled my eyes as some of my other friends fell behind. We ran as fast as we could. Some died trying. I didn't know how but some WICKED guards had attacked us but we fought. I punched and kicked my opponent. Each guard had lost. More cracks and a rumbles awakened the Earth. A bolder almost crushed Thomas but someone name Teresa jumped in front of him. She was crushed under it. I cover my mouth to hide the scream. I didn't know her but I was still heartfelt. She must've been Thomas's friend. We kept moving. Gally and I still hand in hand ran as quickly as we could before the maze could crumble down. We reached for a door for the maintenance room and Gally and I jumped through the icy grey wall.

I am two chapter away of being done with this story. I might even finish it before I go to leadership camp next week. Holy crap! I'm almost done. How long have I've been working on this. Weeks. Months. Years. It feels like years. I was hoping I would be done this summer. Of course I'm going to go back to edit it again and make sure it's perfect for future readers.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now