Protecting Territory

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        Everyone clapped and cheered at the end of our routine. As soon as we exited off stage. We all started hugging each other.

"Okay guys, let's not celebrate yet." Tammy said. "We still don't know what the judges thinks." As usual Tammy ruins our mood.

"Hey Grace did you see Gally in the audience?" Sadie asked.

"I did."

"So he is your boyfriend?" Tammy said really snotty. I ignored her.

"Come on guys lets not fight." Darren calmed. "First or last place we're all in this together."

All the dancers from the other teams gather around on stage. We waited for the announcer for the results.

"For third place, we have Sugar Daddy Studios." We clapped for the other team. "For second place we have, Fire and Ice." We all jumped and screamed. Second place wasn't the best of the best. But it like getting a B on a test. It reminds you that you worked hard and to keep working hard. I didn't remember who got first place but it didn't matter. We got to second place. That's better than nothing.

We all met up outside with our dance instructor held our trophy with pride. I found my mother and Gally waiting for me. I ran and hugged my mother first.

"Great job, Honey." She congratulated.

"Thanks Mom." I said I turned to hug Gally and kissed him.

"You did amazing, Babe." He said.

"I'm so glad you came." I smiled.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." He whispered to my ear. I let go and turned to my mother "Hey some of the dancers and I are going to that coffee place for celebratory drinks, can I go?"

"Is it with your friends?"


"Then yes."

"Thanks Mom. Love you."

"I love you too, don't stay before sundown. Call me if your late. And Gally can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." He said concerned. My mother pulled him aside. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but I could see he was nodding in agreement. At the end I could see her mouth the words thank you. Gally walks towards me.

"Well," I asked.

"I'm going with you, if it's okay with you."

"That would be perfect for me." I said. I took his hand and led him to the dancers. "Guys this is Gally, he's coming too."

"Hey Gally." They greeted.

"Drinks are on me tonight." Darren announced. We all cheered.

           At the coffee shop we sat outside that had a couch a table and a few chairs. Gally sat on the chair and I sat on his lap my arms wrapped around his neck and his around my waist. Sadie and her boyfriend Matt sat with us on the other side. Darren brought his girlfriend with him. The clingy We all started laughing because of Matt's story until a brilliant idea came to mind.

"Okay guys Truth or Dare time." Matt called. We all agreed. "I pick Darren. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare me bro." Darren said.

"I dare you to kiss a someone other than your girlfriend." Darren's girlfriend mouth dropped.

"No!" She demanded.

"Come on Bae it don't mean nothin'," Darren calmed. "It's just a dare, you always be my girl."

"Fine." She said. Darren looked around our crowd. I felt Gally's grasp grow tighter as if to guard his territory. Darren leaned over the table and quickly kissed Sadie. We all chuckled.

"Dude seriously my girl?" Matt complained.

"You said anyone." Darren confirmed. "My turn, Sadie, Truth or dare?"


"How was my kissing skills?"

"Like being kiss by a 6th grader. My turn. Gally."


"Truth or dare?"

"Ummm, dare I guess."

"I dare you to write your name on Grace." She held a sharpie in her hand and waved it around. Gally's face turned red a little bit. He grabbed the sharpie for her hand and begin writing on my collarbone. I couldn't stop giggling because his face was really close to my boobs. He finished and hand it back to Sadie like it was no big deal. "Now it's your turn."

"Okay uh, Grace?"

"Yes, Gally?" I asked innocently.

"Truth or dare."


"I dare you to kiss me."

"Oh come on, Man that ain't a dare." Matt argued.

"Well, I couldn't-" just before Gally could finish. I grabbed his face and pulled him into a rough kiss. I heard a few whistles and ooohs from the group. I never'd kissed Gally like that I think it surprised him. We parted.

"Woah." He exhaled.

"Woah indeed." I smirked wiping some spit off of the corner of my mouth.

"Gracie you're a beast." Darren cheered. I started chuckling.

"Well if it isn't Fatty Gracie." A nasally monotoned voice snickered. I recognized that taunting voice anywhere. My middle school bully who still treats me like crap. He treats everyone like crap and expects to be the most popular kid in the world. The short shaggy haired boy came to our table and looked around us.

"Go away, Landon." Sadie demanded.

"Who's your boyfriend Grace?"

"Go away." I said annoyed, forcing myself not to cry.

"Did you pay him to kiss him?"

"She's said scram you Slithead!" Gally growled.

"Gally ignore him he torments everyone." I calmed.

"What did you call me?" Landon said offended.

"Do I need to repeat myself, Shank? Get lost!"

"What's a shank?" Sadie asked.

"Listen pal, I don't know what you just call me and I don't like it."

"We don't like you!" Sadie shouted.

"Whatever I'm outta here." Landon muttered then turns to me. "Keep that tongue in your mouth Grace the only thing your gonna get is herpes."

"Beat it or I'll beat you!" Gally threatened. Then Landon finally left.

"Gally you didn't have to do that." I whispered.

"I don't care, no one should ever talk to you like that." He whispered back. "Especially not that, Slithead. Okay?No one will talk to you like that and get away with it. Not when I'm around." He kissed my cheek. Gally was defending me? He stood up for me? No one has ever defended me from my bullies. I just learned how to deal with them myself. I never had someone care about me this much to protect me from a childhood bully. At that moment, I knew that I was in love with Gally.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now