Found Love

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Every morning is the same before school. I get up extra early to do my workout routine. Ten minutes of yoga, ten minutes of cardio, and thirty minutes of running of the elliptical. Then before I change clothes I measure my weight. Either I lost a pound or two or it's the same. This time I'm 169 pounds and last time I checked which was a few months ago. I was 185 pounds. I suddenly felt skinny until I looked at myself in the mirror. I grabbed a lard of hip. I turned around to look at my stomach. It's not huge like I'm pregnant with triplets but it's not flat either. I pinch the tiny fat on my belly. I've been working out my stomach for years and it's not flat enough but it's not that bad. My thighs are toned but thick so I'm not afraid to show them off. Also because I wear spandex for dancing. It's taken a while but I'm starting to love my body.
If only guys love my body. I thought. I dress myself in a short pencil skirt, black ripped tights, black ankle boots, red spaghetti strap shirt, and black blazer. I always figure that I should always dress my best.
I walked to my school and found Sadie in the library. I sat next to her.

"Tell me everything." She demanded.

"His name is Gally." I said. She covered her mouth with excitement. "He started asked me questions about me like how long have I've been dancing, what I want to do after high school. It was all so flattering."

"Is he into you?"

"That's want to know. How do you know if a guy likes you."

"Well, did he ever touch you anywhere, not in that way though."

"He did the thing where he wraps his arm around my shoulders. But he did that for like five seconds and it suddenly went awkward."

"He's so into you."

"How can you tell?"

"Guys get nervous around girls if they like them."

"It's weird because he was cool and nervous at the same time."

"He must be the mysterious type. You know those guys who could be a secret vampire."

"Or a secret Crank in our case. Although he did say he was immune."

"Oh my god you guys are compatible." She said a bit too loudly. The librarian had to hush us. Sadie spoke softer.

"I mean it's obvious he likes you. Do you like him?"

"Maybe." I teased, blushing.

"Grace Antoinette, you thirsty little-"

"Shut up." I snapped under my breath.

"So are you gonna see him again?"

"He says he's going to see me dance today."

"Oh yeah, he's into you."

"Shhhhhh!!!!" The librarian hissed again. Sadie and I giggled at our excitement.

After school I couldn't contain my excitement for Gally to come see me dance. I went to the locker room to change into my t shirt and spandex and followed my friends to the dance studio. Gally wasn't there yet, I suddenly had the doubt that he wasn't going to show up. Still I kept my eye to the door until my name was called to practice my solo. Disappointed, but I need to stay focus. When my dance instructor played the song, Gally or no Gally, I danced. Thought of the next three moves before I did them. When I spun around I saw a figure I paused and froze in my tracks. It was Gally leaning against the wall. Smiling at me. I snap out of my trance and continue my dance. When the song ended my instructor told me to never get destructed again. I promised and ran to Gally.

"You came!" I exclaimed.

"Of course I did." He said with a half smile. "You are an amazing dancer." I blushed.

"You haven't seen the others."

"Don't need to."

"You have to stay for my duet." I felt too demanding. "If you want?"

"Sure." He shrugged. He seemed so cool about it, it was actually kind of hot. I ran back and sat next to Sadie. She gave me the look, you give to someone when you see their crush.

"You be quiet." I whispered.

"Who's your boyfriend, Grace?" Said the snottiest girl in the whole dance class, Tammy.

"He's not my boyfriend." I said.

"Yet." Sadie added. I elbowed her arm.

"He's so hot. How did you manage to get that?"

"She can have any boy she wants, Tammy, because she is beautiful and any guy would be jealous of him for going out with her." Sadie defeated.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Tammy's use to tease me in kindergarten on how fat I was.

"Thanks Sadie." I said.

"I got you sister." She replied. Later It was me and Darren's turn for our duet. I checked to see if Gally is still watching, and he was. He on the wall with one foot against it, like a cool guy. The music begins and I move to the beat in sync with Darren. The song feels short of you know the dance moves. So I felt like it was done within a minute. Everyone clapped including Gally. Darren whispered to me.

"That the guy?"

I nodded.

He smiled in approval. "Go have fun."

After dance class was over, Gally and I went to the same café we did the other day. There were things I still didn't know about him so it was my turn to ask questions.

"So do you have a favorite color?" I asked. A stupid question but it's a start.

"I kinda like yellow. Yours?"

"Oh green, but not just a particular green, like a light green."

"Like your nails." He pointed at my mint green nail polish.

"Yeah, that's right. So favorite movie?" He bit his lip for some reason as if he didn't know how to answer.

"I never really seen a movie before."

"Wait-" I said shocked. "You never seen a movie before?"

"Not really, please don't ask why." He seemed embarrassed. The way his cheeks blushed a little was cute to me.

"You do realize that I have so much recommendations for you now. I will introduce you the art works of Hollywood including the cheesy classics."

"What's your favorite?" He said so calmly although I was mad that he tried to change the subject. But I guess it didn't matter.

"Oh too much. I can't name one. I guess, The Breakfast Club. No Footloose- No Pirates of the Caribbean. See I can't pick one." He just smiled at me. He quickly glanced my eyes then looked down his smile disappeared. It was suddenly awkward again. The silence made me uncomfortable. I ran out of questions for him although I didn't know his last name.

"I don't think I caught your last name."

"Lorenzo ." He said not looking at me.

"Gally Lorenzo." He finally glances at me. "What's yours?"


"Like Marie Antoinette?"

"Yeah, and that's my middle name."

"Grace Marie Antoinette." He said.  "That's really pretty."

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