Mystery Boy

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            School, dance, and work were my main priorities. But for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about that tall blonde haired boy. I tried to figure out why he acted so strange when we met. While I was studying on a Friday night because I'm such a nerd. He manage to crawl inside my mind again. My phone buzzes, Sadie is online for ChatRoom. The social media to "chat with friends' I was desperate to get that boy out of my mind so I had an excuse to stop studying. I logged on. We have silly usernames. Mine was Graceful.

SadieLady: Hey can't stop thinking about that boy?

Graceful: OMG stop it Im trying not too!!!!!!!!

SadieLady: Dont deny it...

Graceful: Shut up!!!! I probably wont c him again why does it even matter???

SadieLady: I guess you r right

Suddenly Darren went online.

DARING: what's up ladies. Hey Gracie we still up for tomorrow???

Graceful: Yep say at 10?

DARING: Sure see ya

Goes offline.

Graceful: Well that was quick, I should go 2

SadieLady: K byye :)

Graceful: Bye :)

I turn off my phone and decided that studying won't help either. I close my textbook, promising myself to study on Sunday, and open my laptop to watch a few episodes of my favorite show. I hear screams outside and a few sirens. The Cranks cause chaos at night. It used to terrify me as a kid. Now I realize that our apartment get locked up from the outside every night. No Crank can get in. I plugged my earbuds in to the computer and into my ears to drown the noise.

I woke up the next day, I have a habit sleeping past ten so I set up an alarm clock for eight. I dress myself in capri yoga pants and a loose tank top. Inappropriate for school wise but comfortable for dance. I always have to change before I go to dance. I decided not to wear makeup because I hate sweating when I have eyeliner on but I did put some product in my hair for my curls since they are my best accessory. I left my apartment and walked into the streets of Denver. I plugged into my earbuds to the song for my solo. I ran the moves inside my head. I got so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear someone shouting at me. A hand rested on my shoulder and I flinch. I turn my head.

"Hey, remember me?" he asked. I didn't at first until I recognized his hazel blue eyes. The Mystery Boy, "I'm the guy who ran off after bumping into you." he was taller than I remember and bolder.

"Oh yeah!" I said, sounding stupid.

"I'm really sorry for doing that, I get nervous."

"Oh no, it's fine really. Did you follow me?"

"Oh god no, I just found you around the corner and knew you were that girl the other day. I figure that I would apologize."

"Wow, that's really nice of you. I'm Grace." I said holding out my hand.

"That's really pretty." he said taking my hand. "Oh yeah, and I'm Gally."

"Gally. Is it short for something?"

"Nope, just Gally. So uh Grace where you're heading?"

"Dance studio,"

"You dance? I'll walk with you."

"Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Not really." we start to walk together. He kept his hands in his pockets. I was surprised someone would go out of their day to walk with me.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now