Everything is [not] fine

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           I went to class with a smile on my face. And it's not normal, my first class is math and its my least favorite class because Landon was there. This time his rude comments will never bothered me. Because of my mood.

"Hey uh Grace," Sadie spoke. "Are you okay?"

"Sadie," I sighed. "I'm in love."

"Awwww." She chirped. "Did you fall hard."

"Oh yeah."

"Well, I just have to say: Be careful."


"Not all relationships work out. I mean I'm an example."

"But what if it's true love?"

"You guys haven't been dating for more than a month." She then brought out her notebook and started writing on something. She passed the notebook to me. Her message read.
Did you guys do it?

No, not technically. I wrote back.


Well, we did sleep together but not in that way.

You guys just cuddled?



Last night.

How did it feel?


Just sweet?

An safe.

Sweet and safe?

Words can't really explain it but it's close. I  really love him. She closed her notebook, as Landon entered the room.

"Hey Gracie, saw you making out with your 'boyfriend'-"

"Eww you watched?" Said asked. "Pervert."

"Hey I ain't a pervert. So Gracie how much you paid him do that?"

"No matter what you say to me, nothing will kill my mood." I said.

"She's in love." Sadie added.

"Like I care." Landon snickered.

"Mr. Crude," Our math teacher ordered. "Stop patronizing the girls and get to your seat."

"I ain't patronizing them."

"Just sit in your seat or I'll send you to the principal's office." Landon grumbled and sat down in his desk.

           I got home after dance rehearsal to my mother who again stared at the picture. I notice her eyes are clouded, not only that. She's not staring into the picture, not really looking like I thought. She's staring at nothing. A blank expression on her face of nothingness.

"Mom?" I asked. She didn't listen, she continued looking at the picture. "Mom!" I said again. I reached for the picture and somehow it created and warning sign for her to flinch and brought the picture to her chest and look at me like a angry dog. Her eyes were the most terrifying.

"Mom!" Her head shook as if snapping out of her trance. She smiled at me.

"Hello, Grace." She greeted as if nothing happened. "How was your day?"

"Are you okay?"

"Oh I'm fine."


"How was school?"

"Fine, Mom-"

"Did you see Gally, today?"

"No Mom listen-"

"Why did you two break up?" Something was wrong with her. A terrible thought came to mind. Could my mother have the Flare? Impossible, she was immune. Is she? She always seemed fine. Have I been ignoring the signs.

"I'm gonna do some homework upstairs."

"Okay, let me know if you need help with math. You should tell me about your new boyfriend sometime, invite him over." I raised an eyebrow.

"Mom, you've met Gally. We've been dating-" I stopped. There was something wrong with my mother and I can't stand there and give her a review of my life. "Never mind I'm just going upstairs." I quickly ran up the stairs. In my room I grabbed the computer to look up the Flare side effects. I read the article and the side effects included.
Mood swings including anger
An appetite for human flesh
Blood shot eyes
Black liquid from the mouth
Talking nonsense or babbling something unintelligent.

          The list goes on my none of them matched my mother's behavior. Worried and concerned. What am I to do? If my mother does not have the Flare then what is going on. What medications is she using? I found another link to a another article that caught my attention. "Side Effects to The Bliss" the Bliss isn't a cure but more of a treatment to slow the process of the Flare. But it's crazy expensive and only for rich people and government officials. We couldn't afford it. Still my curser hovered over the link. I could click on it and figure out if this could possibly be the answer- I closed my laptop and sighed.
            "Impossible." I muttered to myself. "Everything's fine." The same thing I tell myself everyday to get me through the bullying as a child, my mother's depression, everything. Although I know deep inside, it's not fine.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now