"All I've Got"

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I had no clue to what the church thing was about until I got there with my mother. We don't go to church often so I hardly own any dresses appropriate for church. They were either too formal or too short. I had only one maxi skirt that was long enough. I'm not saying all my clothes were inappropriate just some of them are okay enough for school but never for church. So I wore my maxi skirt and a flowing blouse.
The church thing was a supporting group for immune families whose loved ones got infected by the Flare. Though the whole session I couldn't stop thinking about Gally. I started to wonder if he liked me back. Replaying back to our "date" to recognize any hints. Since I never had a date before or had a boy talk to me for two hours I couldn't tell. I would have to talk to Sadie. Because she's the one who had three boyfriends in the all three years we had in high school. And me in all my life: NONE!

"Grace?" The supporter said interrupting my thoughts.

"Uh yeah?" I said snapping out of my daze.

"You seem distracted."

"She met a boy yesterday." My mother explained.

"Mom!" I complained in embarrassment.

"A boy? That's a first." The supporter exclaimed. I felt offended. "And your not..." He was hinting something that I didn't get at first. "Not doing anything..."

"Oh god no!" I yelled my face turning red. "I just met him. Nothing like that."

"Oh good. It's never shameful to save your virginity." I planted my face in my hand. "Teenagers can be very sexual in her age."

"Can you not." I muttered under my breath.

"Oh I hardly doubt that my daughter would do that." My mother said. I was feeling better when she defeated me. "Besides she has more important things to worry about. Like scholarships and dance competition."

"Thanks Mom." I said.

"Oh I remember the day I met your father, I had such a crush on him after that." She smiled but within a second it disappeared. I put my hand on her shoulder to show my condolence.

"I'm sorry for your lost," said the supporter, "Rose."

"When Grace was a little, I would pretend to steal her father's nose to make her laugh. And there was that silly little rhyme he would say "Rose took my nose I suppose" he always did that." My mother started to cry. I bit my lip.

"You may have lost your husband and your young son, Rose, but at least you still have Grace." The supporter agreed. Which was true. And she's all I've got.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now