Mother & Daughter

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The smile in my face still didn't leave when I walked into the living room of my apartment. My mother is reading on the couch. She looks up at me with her glasses.

"Hey, sweetie, how did your thing go with Darren?" she asked.

"It didn't happen." I said still smiling. She went quiet and raised an eyebrow.

"Then why are you smiling like that?" I didn't know how to tell her because I didn't know how she would react. I hardly ever talk about boys to her.

"I met a boy." I chirped and sat down next to her. Her eyes widened, then she cleared her throat.

"A boy?"

"Yep." I felt like an idiot from smiling so much.

"Does this boy have a name?"


"Gally? How old is he."

"Same age as me. And he's tall and kinda buff."

"What did you two do?"

"We went to my favorite coffee place, you know the one I always go during finals and we just talked."

"About what?"

"You know what normal people talk about." I thought i was speaking perfect sense but I was just confusing my mother even more. "He asked a bunch of questions about me, it was kind of sweet. No one ever asked me questions like that."

"Well, isn't that sweet. And are you going to see this boy again."

"Hopefully on Monday during dance." Just then my phone rings and Sadie's name and picture shows on the screen. "It's Sadie, talk to you later Mom." I stood up and walk up the spiral staircase to my room. I press the green answering button and hold the phone to my ear as soon as I enter into my room. "Hello?"

"Okay," Sadie began. "So Kate from dance class just told me she saw you with a guy. Is that true or what?" I smiled and blushed. Good thing she can't see. "Hello, Earth to Grace are you there."

"Yeah." I said bashfully.

"Yeah to what? Who were you with?"

"The Tall Handsome Stranger." I heard a squeal at the end of the line.

"I want details!!!!" She yelled.

"I'll tell you on Monday."

"What why?"

"Cause my mom might be listening. Bye Sadie." I hung up my phone and plopped on my bed. The smile is still on my face. I replay the day in my head starting when I talked to Gally. The way he smiled at me, gave me quick glances at my eyes. I liked him. I liked him a lot. He listened to everything I said and asked questions about myself.
Don't be ridiculous. I thought. Crushes are stupid. Then I must be a complete idiot.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now