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I still couldn't sleep that night, because I was still paranoid that if Gorilla would be looking through that window.

"Grace," Gally said. "I'll watch the window, you can go to sleep."

"You know I can't."

"I'll tell you what. We'll have shifts. You sleep for two hours while I'll watch and then we'll switch after every two hours. Does that sound okay?"


"Okay then I'll go first." He volunteered. I closed my eyes and tried to force myself to go to sleep. But I couldn't, because of the worries. I open my eyes and looked up at Gally.

"Is this going to be us every night?" I asked. "Watching that window in case that Crank comes back?"

He sighed, still looking at the window, "I don't know, Babe. I really hope not, 'cause it's driving me crazy."

"Me too, don't take this the wrong way but, sometimes I wish he would just come here and get it over with."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with you."

"Gally, you know he is going to come. I know you don't want me to think it that way, but it's true. There's no denying it."

"I know and I'm terrified for the both of us."

"Me too, but we need to protect each other." He looked away from the window and stared at me with a small smile on his face. He placed his hand on my cheek, brushing my temple with his thumb.

"We do make a good team." He agreed. "Now get some sleep. I'll wake you up in a couple hours." He let go of my cheek. I guess his soothing touch was the only thing that could help me sleep.

It wasn't easy keeping watching the window every two hours. It was difficult to stay awake and go back to sleep over and over again. Gally and I both realized it after three days. Between the both of us sleep deprivation is not a way to live.

"We can not keep doing this." I said as we are our breakfast "It's jeopardizing our health and my grades at school. I got in trouble for sleeping in class."

"Can't we get the cops to arrest that Crank."

"We can't. They passed the law ten years ago that crimes caused by the infected are excusable. Even murder. Unless the Crank has been caught then they can shoot them."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No. Otherwise I would've gone to the police already."

"So we can't file charges? That's stupid."

"I know but there's nothing we could do about it."

"To think I'm used to being sleep deprived. How's your bruise?"

"Getting better, I think I can finally sleep on my right side again."

"Too bad, I liked to seeing your beautiful face when I wake up."

"And I liked feeling your heartbeat on my back when we cuddle." I playfully argued. He chuckled a little bit. "Do you want me to walk you to school this time?" Sometimes I would let Gally just walk with me to school instead of taking my car. But not this week. I'm afraid that we'll have to walk back to the apartment and be attacked by Gorilla.

"No it's okay, I'll take my car. Besides I have dance class."

"Your right I'm not sure if I'll be home when you get back."

"I might be alone?"

"I know, I'm sorry. The windows are locked, trust me, and make sure the door is locked when you get home. If anything happens call me, okay?"

"Okay. Just let me know if you work late or not and when you'll get back."

"I will, I'll leave a note too." He walked me to my car and said our usual morning goodbye. This time we hugged for a long time. I didn't know why I had this feeling deep inside. But I felt like this would be the last time I would see him.

At school I did the best I could to stay awake in class. My teachers asked about it and I didn't want to tell them about the Crank attack. Then I would have to explain my experience with Senior Shaggy and I wasn't comfortable talking about it again. I just told them that it was the stress of losing my mother that was disrupting my sleep. I kept my bruise hidden so people don't ask about it or get the idea of my boyfriend possibly abusing me. Which is not true at all.

In the afternoon, Sadie caught up with me. I haven't talked to her in a week.

"Hey, Grace I just want to say, I'm sorry." She apologized. "I was just mad that you ignored my lecture. If you're really in love with Gally, then I guess I can't stop you. And from the way I see it, he loves you back. Especially if he took you in when you had no one to turn to."

"It's fine." I forgave.

"So what happened to you, you look tired?"

"It's the stress of losing my mom. I miss her."

"I know, honey." She hugged me. She hit the place where my bruise was. It hurt when she touched it but I held in my pain. We let go, I smiled. Happy to have my best friend back.

After dance class, I drove to the apartment. It was empty, there was a note left by Gally that he was working late and he'll be back soon. I made sure the door was locked and the windows too. I sat on the ground to do my homework. When the telephone rang. I stood up and reached for the head piece.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Grace it's me." Gally's voice replies with panic. "Make sure the doors and windows are locked and hide in the bathroom until I get there."

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know how but the Cranks broke out of the Crank Palace and they're running through the city causing mayhem. I want you to turn off the lights, double check the doors and windows and hide in the bathroom until I get home."

"Oh my god-" I started panicking.

"Grace calm down, I'm on my way. I love you."

"I love you, too." I hung up. The feeling I had this morning was real.

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