Thomas's POV

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Thomas's POV

We made our way into the coffee shop we were instructed to do so. The place was crowed but I remember the description of the woman the man told us.

"Do you remember what he told us, Thomas?" Minho asked. "Cause I don't."

"Yeah he said she had curly brown hair, brown eyes, white, and he said she was a bit curvy too." I replied. Although something about that description seems familiar to me.

"Why do we have to meet her though?" Brenda asked. "And how does she know us?"

"I don't know but she must've known something." I looked around the coffee shop and I found a girl similar to the description. Actually she fit the description just perfectly. Brown curly hair tied in a ponytail with locks of curls falling out, she wasn't pale but ivory, she wore the outfit the man told us she would wear, grey sweatshirt but it looked to big for her like it was meant for a man to wear it. She was pretty curvy. She caught my glance and I could see she had dark brown eyes.

"I think that's her." I said. But she was younger than I expected. I thought we'd be meeting a grown woman but this was just girl probably my age maybe a year older.

"Wow Thomas, you pick the first girl you see?" Minho sassed. We walked over to her table. "Excuse me are you Grace Antoinette?" I asked her.

"Yes I am." She seemed nervous I sat next to her. Up close she looked very pretty. With clear skin and plumped lips.

"Okay this man told us to meet you do you work for him?"

"No I'm just an escort."

"A what?" Brenda asked.

"I'm escorting you all to meet someone else."

"Why do we have to meet a person to meet another person?" Minho asked sharply.

"Righ- I mean 'they' are very secretive."


"I can't tell you, not here. Follow me I'll drive you there." She was really soft spoken and seemed very nervous, like someone just gave her the job today. It probably was because she doesn't work for 'them'. Whoever they are.

We got in her car. I sat in the passenger seat next to Grace. There was something about her that seemed so familiar. Her eyes especially.

"So do you know the person we're going to meet?" I asked.


"Is he or she, a friend of yours?"

"He's my boyfriend."

"How long?"

"A little over two months."

"So let me get this straight." Minho began from the back seat. "The guy that we are about to meet works for something and you don't. So you're doing this for him?"

"Minho!" I snapped.

"Well, for your information, Minho." She kept her voice calm. "He asked me if I would do this and I said yes. Because he has done a lot for me in the past. This is my only way of repaying him."

"So you really care about him?"

"Yes, I do. A lot. More than that actually, if you know what I mean." I actually did know what she meant. She loved him. But I wondered if he loved her too.

"So are you from Group B?" I asked.

"Group what?"

"Wait a minute you're just a normal kid?" Minho asked.

"Why does that feel like a insult?" She asked but it doesn't sound like a question.

"It's not, we're not normal teenagers." I explained to her.

"Small world." She smiled as if it were an inside joke. "My boyfriend is one of you guys." There was a long period of silence in the car. What did she meant by one of us? Did he come from the Maze? If he did than who could it be? As far as I know the people who saying behind when we left into the maze was dead. Maybe Minho would recognized him when we get there.

"So you know everything about WICKED?" I asked.

"Not everything, just that you guys were taken and had your memories wiped away and put through these trials to find a cure for this disease spreading around." She replied. "My brother was also one of them. But what I've heard he died. But I didn't know him very well, WICKED took him when he was a year old." A year old? And they took him away from his family. Maybe he was one of the advance children like me.

"What was his name?" Minho asked "Maybe we knew him."

"From what my boyfriend told me, you guys would've known him."

"What was your brother's name?" I asked, afraid of the answer. It was getting more clear to who she was familiar to.

"In our family he was named Aiden. But-" she paused. "I don't know if I should be telling you this."

"Just tell us please." I assured.

"You guys knew him as Chuck."

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now