chapter 41

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It's been two days and Ava was finally discharged from the hospital. She couldn't wait for her family to meet Kyson. "Ava are ready?" Vincent asked as he walked into the room. Ava looked over at Kyson who was sound asleep.

"Yes I'm ready" she said as she picked Kyson up then placed him inside Paris car seat. "Do you think he feels comfortable, it's a little bit for him?" Ava asked and Vincent shook his head.

"Don't worry Ava he's fine, plus he'll get his, remember that we ordered all his things online since we didn't get to go shopping" Vincent assured her and she nodded then smiled. Picking up the carseat Vincent left the room with Ava also following behind. As soon as they got into the car Vincent placed the carseat in, making sure that the it was strapped in properly. "Okay lets get going then" Vincent said as he started the car and drove off.

"I still can't believe all this happened" Vincent said as he reached over to Ava. Placing his hand on her belly, "It's was like yesterday when you told me you were pregnant. Didn't even take a whole week yet and he's really here" Vincent said in a low voice as he stared at the road.

"Yeah I can't believe it either but it happened, I'm happy that I didn't really go through any pain or weird symptoms. "I wanted to have a natural birth though but I had to do a C-section" Ava told him and she smiled.

"I'm just happy that he's healthy" Vincent said as he looked at the sleeping baby through the rearview. "I called everyone, they are at home right now waiting on us to come home, especially since I told them it's a surprise" Vincent grinned.

"Our parents are going to be so happy, I can't wait to see their faces" Ava squealed and Vincent chuckled. After a few minutes they were finally home. Vincent parked the car into the drive way then got out. He opened Ava's door and she got out. Quickly walking around the side of the car he took the baby out of the carseat then gave him to Ava.

"Okay let's go" Vincent said as he opened the door. Ava nodded then slowly wrapped the baby up. Vincent walked inside then to the living room where everyone was seated while talking.

"Daddy!" Paris screamed and everyone head snap towards their direction.

"Vincent where were you?" His mom asked as she slowly stood up. "You only told that you guys were going somewhere and nothing else, so what's the surprise?" She asked.

"Um, I'm sorry about that... come on Ava" Vincent said in a low voice and Ava walked in with the baby in her arms.

"Oh my god it's a baby, he's so cute Aww" Zelda said as she stood up and walked over to them "Wait! whose baby is that?" Zelda asked with her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"He's our baby" Vincent simply said and everyone sat their confused. "He was our surprise"

"I don't understand didn't you say that you were 3-4 months pregnant?" Lilly asked.

"Well, I was actually 8 months pregnant" Ava said and everyone gasped.

"Wait what!" Vincent's mom shouted and Vincent explain everything to them.

"Oh my god I can't believe my grandson is already here" Zelda said as she walked over to them. Zelda took the baby from Ava then walked over to the couch.

"Oh so you guys were in the hospital all along?" Jackson asked and Vincent nodded.

"I knew you were pregnant all along, remember when I told you and you said you weren't. You should've trusted your mama" Zelda told Ava and she laughed.

"Okay mom you were right" Ava said as Vincent led her towards the couch. Everyone was standing around the baby admiring how cute he looked.

"About the wedding, we put it off for a few more days or a month or so" Vincent added and they nodded. Paris got of Wayne's lap then ran over to Vincent. "Daddy lwook what I got" Paris said as she showed Vincent her new toy.

"Pretty" he said then kissed her cheek. "Did you miss daddy?" Vincent asked and she nodded.

"Ava I can't believe you had the baby, it was just like yesterday" Lilly paused "Well not actually but whatever" she said and everyone agreed. "So did you have to push the baby out" Lilly asked and Ava shook her head.

"I had to do an emergency C-section because of the stress that the baby was in" Ava replied.

After a few more hours of spending time with the baby everyone decided to go home. Kyson started crying and Ava started rocking him back and forth. "He's hungry?" Vincent asked and Ava nodded.

"Probably" Ava said as he pulled her top down. She brushed her nipple against his lip and he accepted. "Paris, come here baby" Ava called and Paris ran over to Ava. "Look it's your baby brother" Ava said and Paris looked at Kyson then back at Ava.

"No" Paris said and Vincent chuckled.

"Paris, remember he was in my tummy now he's out. You are his big sister" Ava tried to explain but Paris started whining.

"Nooo no beby" she said while pushing Kyson away. "Me beby not him" she pouted and Vincent picked her up.

"You have to be gentle with the baby okay" Vincent told her and she hid her head in Vincent neck.

"I kinda feel bad that she won't accept him" Ava said and Vincent said down beside her.

"Ava it's okay for her to feel jealous" Ava's dad said as he took a seat on the couch. "She'll get use to him just give her sometime okay" Wayne assured her and Ava smiled.

"Ice been trying to tell her that before he even got here" Vincent added.

"She'll realise that the baby is getting more attention than her so try your best to make her feel loved equally" Wayne said and Ava nodded.

"Thanks dad" Ava said and Wayne nodded then stood up. The doorbell rang and Ava looked up.

"I'll go get it" Wayne said as he walked towards the door. He opened the door and then looked down. "Oh it's some delivery for you" He told them and Vincent placed Paris down.

"Stay here with mommy I'll go help grandpa" Vincent said and Paris nodded then sat down beside Ava. Paris eyes were fixed on the baby, Kyson was sucking on his pacifier while looking around wide eye. Paris leaned forward and Ava thought she was going to kiss the baby when she stretched out her hand, grabbing the pacifier out of the baby's mouth she put it in hers and Ava's eyes widen. Ava wanted to laugh so bad but contained herself.

"Paris that's your brothers pacifier" Ava told her and Paris shook her head. Poor Kyson he was so quite, he didn't make as much noise as Paris did when she was a baby.

"It's the stuff that we ordered for the baby Ava" Vincent said and Ava looked up. Wayne help Vincent carry then inside.

"Where are we going to put them?, we haven't decide on the room that the baby will be sleeping in yet" Vincent asked.

"I'm not sure as yet, he'll be sleeping in our room though" Ava told Vincent.

"You guys can decide that tomorrow when you are all settled in" Wayne said as he looked at the box.

"Just get the crib upstairs in our room please" Ava said and both men nodded. Kyson starting moving around a little and Ava looked down. A smile came to her face when realised that Paris placed the pacifier back into the baby's mouth. Well Paris shouldn't do that but she's a baby so she doesn't understand.

"Mommy" Paris said with her hands outstretched and Ava sighed.

"Baby I can't hold you right now, I can't even put the baby down until I get his baby bouncer or his small pillow to lay him in" Ava said in a low voice. Paris eyes filled with tears and Ava sighed. "Okay mommy will hold you just let me lay out this blanket so the baby can lay on it" Ava said as she placed the baby down on the blanket. "Come here baby, I know you missed me" Ava cooed as Paris jumped into her arms. Ava hugged her right then gave her many kisses. This won't be as easy as I thought.




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