chapter 22

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Finally the hurricane was over, Ava couldn't wait to see Paris. Leaving the car Ava closed the door. "Ready" Vincent whispered and Ava nodded. Walking into Vincent's house he led her to the living room where his dad and Paris was. Paris was sitting down in Vincent's dad lap while watching the news.

"Good morning dad" Vincent said and his dad looked up.

"Son you're finally here" his dad grinned.

"Dada" Paris squealed while clapping her hands. With her hands outstretched she gave Vincent grabby hands.

"You are happy to see dada, I love you" he cooed then took her from his dad.

"Mama" she called and Ava smiled then kissed her cheek. Vincent sat down on the couch with Paris in his arms then began raining kisses all over her face. She giggled and Ava smiled.

"So this is the Ava that my son been talking about" Vincent's dad said and Ava nodded. "I'm Jackson" he said with his hand outstretched. Ava took his hand, he pulled her in for a hug which took her by surprise and she smiled. Pulling back he chuckled.

"I'm glad you guys are together and you made this beautiful angel sitting right here, my day maker" Jackson smiled and Ava nodded.

"She's a gem" Ava said while looking at Paris who was busy playing with Vincent's car keys.

"Ava you're here right on time for my delicious cookies" Vincent mom said as she walked in with a plate of cookies.

"So when are you guys planning on getting married?" His mom asked and Ava's eyes widen she shared a glance with Vincent and he smiled.

"We're not there as yet mom" Vincent replied and his mom smiled sweetly at Ava.

"Vincent" Ashley squealed as she ran up to him. She hugged him then kissed his cheek and Ava wondered who it was when she saw Ashley face she realize that they look alike.

"Ashley this is my girlfriend Ava" he paused "and Ava this is my twin sister Ashley, that little baby boy running towards me is Kyle my nephew" Vincent chuckled when Kyle got on his lap then hugged him.

"Did you miss me?" Vincent asked and Kyle nodded. Kyle wiggled out of Vincent's arm then ran over to Jackson.

Everyone started talking to each other while the babies played together. It was getting late and Ava wondered if Vincent was sleeping over. While using the bathroom Vincent came in then locked the door.

"My parents really loves you" Vincent said as he tapped his fingers on the cold tile of the sink.

"Yeah, they are really nice and lovely. Your sister is fun to be around" Ava smiled and Vincent nodded. Ava walked over to the sink then washed her hands. "Are you staying tonight?" Ava asked.

"Yeah I have some work to get done" he said and her face sadden. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You're staying too babe" he told her and she cocked one eyebrow up.

"But I didn't carry any clothes" she said and he smirked.

"Don't worry you can wear mine" he told her and she smiled. Tipping on her toes she pecked his lip. As soon as she pulled back Vincent stared into her eyes.

"Go on a date with me" Vincent said and she nodded her head then smiled. He kissed her lips and she deepened it wrapping her arms around his neck. He trailed his fingers up her smooth skin. Grasping both her legs he lift her off the floor placing her on top of the sink. He buried his head into her then whispered against her skin. "You don't know how hard it is for me to see you every time and try to not take you" she moaned wrapping her legs around his waist. "What would I do with out you Ava" he began placing light kisses on her neck going all the way down.

"Vincent we can't do it in here" Ava said while pushing him back. She got off the counter then pecked his lip one more time. "Come on let's go" she said then got off the sink. He held on to her hand as she pulled him out of the bathroom.

"Let's go have a bath together" he told her and she nodded then smiled. "P is asleep in her room so maybe we could play a game together or watch a movie or maybe just go to sleep" he told her.

"Okay it depends on the mood I'm in after I leave the shower" she purred and he groaned. Holding on to his hand she pulled him upstairs towards his bedroom. Opening the door Vincent locked it then walked over to his bed. Ava sat down on the bed while watching Vincent remove his clothes. "Go I'll join you bae" Ava said and he nodded while walking into the bathroom. She stared at his but then bit her lip. Ava began removing her clothes while humming to a song. Vincent's phone made a little sound to show that a message came in. Drawing her attention towards his phone lieing on the bed. She paid it no mine then continued doing what she was doing. His phone started ringing and she looked up at the bathroom door. "Vincent your phone is ringing!" She shouted.

"Let it ring come in the shower with me!" He shouted back.

"But what if it's something important?" She asked and he went silent for a while.

"Okay go answer" he told her but the phone stopped ringing, shrugging her shoulders she tied her hair into a messy bun. Vincent phone started blowing up with messages and Ava was so confused. Walking over to his phone she picked it up then power it on. Her eyebrows raised in confusion when she saw an unknown number.

- Vincent answer me please I love you. Baby I can't live without you

When Ava saw this her heart dropped. She knew it wasn't right to read other people's message but it's not like he didn't give her permission. She placed the phone down then sighed. So many thoughts running through her head.
Was he seeing someone else while he was with her?
Who was she?

"Ava where are you?!" Vincent whined and she sighed as she walked over to the bathroom. She got into the tub and he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to his body. "Why did you take so long, who was it on the phone?" He asked and she just stared at his shoulder.

"I don't know" she mumbled against his skin.

"What's wrong you were just happy a few seconds ago" he whispered into her ear but she said nothing. Few minutes later they were finished having a bath. Ava wrapped her self up into a towel then walked into his closet. She wondered if she should ask Vincent about it. She hated the fact of Vincent cheating on her.

Grabbing a black tee and one of his boxers she quickly put it on and a pair of his socks. Wiggling her toes she smiled at how comfortable the socks were. Walking back into the bed room she saw Vincent in his sweatpants. She bit her lip then stared at him for a while. Even though she was upset with him she couldn't take her eyes off of the beautiful sight infront or her. She walked over to the bed then laid down on her side.

"So what are we goin-" he stopped himself when he saw that Ava was going to sleep. He wondered why she was acting like this all of a sudden. Sighing he picked up his phone then placed it on the table. "I guess we're going to sleep then" he mumbled then pulled the sheets over her. Turning off the lights he sighed then stared up at the ceiling. A message came into his phone and he looked over at it. The light of his phone lighting up most of the room. Picking his phone up he saw 50 messages from an unknown number his eyes widen as he unlocked the phone. As he read through the messages he immediately knew who it was. He was so pissed he could smash the phone into the wall.

"How the fuck did she get my number" he whispered shout then he remembered that Ava was sleeping. Sparing a glance over at her realization hit him. Ava saw the messages she must be angry. He thought, running his hand though his hair frustratedly he reached out to touch her but stopped himself.

"No I must wait until tomorrow to talk to her about it" he told himself then sighed. Placing his phone down he closed his eyes.

Sorry for the long update I had a little writers block




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