chapter 20

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Changed Emily's name to Paris

Ava's eyes fluttered opened and she sat up. Her head was pounding, placing her hand on her head she groaned out frustratedly. Running her hand through her hair a few times she looked around the room. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion when she realised that she was naked and she couldn't remember anything that happened after she met Benjamin and Liam. "Fuck" she cursed when she heard the shower turned on. Ava pulled the sheets up to her chest then bit down on her lip. "Oh my god please don't tell me that I had sex with a complete stranger again. Was it Benjamin or Liam? Benjamin was the last person I spoke to" Ava paused and took a deep breath then exhaled.

"What's wrong with me" Ava groaned "um..... I hope we used protection I really can't remember if I took them before going to the club, maybe I did" Ava tried thinking so hard but it only made her head hurt. She heard the shower stopped and she began to panick. Standing up she pulled the sheets with her.

Vincent walked into the room and he saw Ava standing up with the sheets wrapped around her body and her back turned towards him. Vincent smiled while drying his hair with a towel. He walked over to her then wrapped his arms around her body. He could feel her tense and he wondered why. "Ava" Vincent whispered into her ear and she pulled away then turned around.

"Look I-" Ava was about to say when she realised it was Vincent she sighed in relief and he raised his eyebrow "Oh it's you Vincent"

"What's that supposed mean?" Vincent asked with his eyes squinted.

"I th- um.... I thought it was Benjamin or Liam" she told him and his jaw clenched and unclenched.

"Why would you think that wait" he paused "you don't remember anything that happened last night?" Vincent asked and Ava bit her lip then slowly nodded her head.

"Um.... did we have unprotected sex again" Ava asked hoping that he would say no.

"Yes" he said slowly and Ava's heart started beating fast.

"Oh my god, why wouldn't you wear a condom?" Ava asked while running her hand through her hair.

"Because you told me not to, you were like no don't use a condom because I took my pills" Vincent mocked and Ava groaned.

"Vincent I was drunk why would you listen to me" Ava whined. "I can't even remember if I took the pills"

"Well you wouldn't give me a condom, plus that guy at the bar drugged your drink so you were horny and I had to take care of you twice" Vincent told her and she blushed really hard then hid her face.

"Oh my god" she whispered to herself.

"Don't worry Ava you just had too much to drink, we're not sure if you are pregnant okay" he said then walked up to her and she nodded.

"I wish I could remember everything that happened last night" she groaned and Vincent smirked then wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Everything?" He asked and she looked up at him in a seductive way.

"Everything" she said and he leaned forward, Ava bit her lip then placed her finger on his lips.

"I'm going to have a bath" she said then ran into the bathroom. Vincent rolled his eyes then walked over to the window. Looking out the window he saw that the rain was still pouring. He sighed then sat down.

"I didn't even bring any clothes" Vincent said to himself. He stood up then walked into Ava's closet searching for something that looked like something he could wear. He began browsing and he spotted a t-shirt. He ran his finger over it then raised his eyebrow. "I have one just like this" he said then removed the shirt from the rack.

"Wait-" he said then paused "This is my shirt" he chuckled then looked around the room. He saw a sweatpants and he walked over to it then picked it up. "This is mine too" he left the closet then walked over to the bathroom door. He knocked a few times before opening the door.

"Ava aren't these my clothes" Vincent asked and Ava peaked her head through the shower curtain. Her eyes widen when she realised what he was holding.

"Umm.... yeah" she said then bit her lip. "You left some of your clothes in the laundry room at the guest house, I saw them when I was cleaning, I only took those though" she said and Vincent gave her a smug look.

"So why didn't you give them back?" He asked and she blushed.

"I was wearing them okay, they were so comfortable, I wanted to give them back but I couldn't" Ava told him and Vincent chuckled.

"That's okay Ava, I'm going to wear them though because I didn't carry any clothes" Vincent told her and she nodded then continued showering.

"Wait I don't have any boxers" he said and Ava moved the curtain again.

"You could wear one of my pantie" she said then giggled and Vincent glared at her "or you could go over to guest house and bring the clothes that you left" she said and Vincent sighed.

"I will go" he simply said and Ava's eyes widen.

"No way I was kidding, it dangerous out there. You could get shock by lightening or something" Ava said worriedly.

"I'll be quick don't worry" he told her and she rolled her eyes.

"Are you going to leave like that" Ava asked while pointing at him only in his towel.

"Yeah" he said and Ava shook her head then continued doing what she was doing. Vincent left the bathroom, walking over to the door he opened it then went down the stairs. Picking up his umbrella he left the house.

"Okay I got to do this real quick wouldn't want the lightning to shock me" he whispered to himself. "It's either this or wearing Ava's pantie" Vincent chuckled then shook his head. Vincent walked all the way around to the back of the house then quickly walked down the pathway to the guest house.

"Vincent be careful!" Ava shouted from upstairs, he looked up and he saw her looking through the window with a worried look on her face.

"It's so dark out here" Vincent whispered then continued walking. With the rain beating on top of the umbrella a lighting strikes and Vincent jumped.

"Oh my god, Vincent come back!" Ava screamed. Her heart started beating faster, she didn't want anything to happen to him. She watched as he continued walking. His towel loosely hanging on his waist. The thunder came after, a very loud boom. At this point Vincent started running.

Ava giggled when his towel fell to the ground. Vincent was standing butt naked outside in the rain. "He must be really cold" Ava paused "I told him not to go out like that" she smiled.

Vincent was finally inside the house, he shivered then placed the umbrella down "well that was a little scary" he whispered while pacing around the room naked. "I can't believe my towel fell and got wet" he said while looking down at himself. Vincent walked into the laundry room then looked around. He smiled when he saw his clothes in a basket folded neatly.

"I can't believe Ava kept these clothes for so long I've been looking for these" he said as he looked through his clothes. After he got dressed he put the rest of his clothes inside a bag so they wouldn't get wet. He walked over to the window and looked outside. "There is no way I'm going back out there" he said then sighed. Vincent heard the phone ringing and he cocked one eyebrow up then turned around. He realised that it was the house phone and wondered who was calling. Walking over to the phone he picked it up then placed it towards his ear.

"Vincent aren't you coming back?" Ava asked and Vincent chuckled.

"No Ava I don't want to die" he said dramatically and Ava started whining.

"Please, I need your company" she begged and he sighed.

"Fine I'm coming" placing the phone down he sighed then picked up the umbrella.




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