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"I think I'm about to throw up" Ava said as she got out of bed really quick. Placing her hand over her mouth she ran into the bathroom. Ava got to the bathroom in time then vomited in the toilet. She felt her hair being pulled up and small circle being made in her back.

"Baby are you okay" Vincent asked and Ava shook her head then made her way over to the sink.

"I think I'm pregnant" Ava said then looked at Vincent.

"Are you fucking serious?" Vincent asked and Ava nodded.

"Yes, I've been throwing up like crazy, every part of me aches and I am fucking tired and hungry" Ava cried and Vincent engulfed her with a hug.

"Will you take a pregnancy test?" Vincent asked and Ava shook her head.

"I don't need to-" Ava was about to say when she fainted. Vincent caught her quickly before she could fall.

"Ava wake up" Vincent said as he panicked then gently laid her on the ground. Grabbing his phone he quickly called his doctor.

"Ava fainted, can you come upstairs please?" Vincent asked.

"Yes I'll be right there shortly" the doctor said and Vincent ended the call.

"It's a lucky thing I got ourselves a personal doctor in case anyone get sick or hurt" Vincent said as he stared down at Ava in concern. A few seconds late the doctor walked into the bathroom. He helped Vincent carry Ava down to his office then placed her down on the bed.

"I think she's pregnant" Vincent said and just as he said that Ava's eyes fluttered open. She placed her hand on her head then groaned.

"Oh thank god you are okay, I was so worried and scared.

"My head hurts" She said then started crying and Vincent wrapped his arms around her and she laid her head on his chest.

"Okay Ava, I'll do an ultrasound on you then do some test to see if you're okay" The doctor said and she nodded.

"Remember the last time when I didn't really have any symptoms when I was pregnant with Kyson, do you think this is payback" Ava asked and Vincent shrugged. "All my pregnancies were kinda okay but this one tops it, Vincent I can't do this" Ava told him and he sighed then kissed the top of her head.

"Ava relax" the doctor said as he grabbed the gel. Ava laid back then lift her shirt, her small baby was starting to show. Vincent was really happy that he was going to have another baby but he was worried about Ava. She was going through a lot of pain and there was nothing he could do. He knew for a fact that Ava wouldn't want anymore kids after this. But none of her pregnancy were planned so maybe he could have another one that's if she does something to stop that.

"Wait I feel like I want to throw up" Vincent said as he ran into the nearest bathroom.

"Why does he want to throw up was it something I did?" Ava asked and the doctor shook his head. Vincent came back in a few seconds and Ava rolled her eyes.

"Now I'm feeling back pains" he said and Ava huffed.

"Are you mocking me Vincent?" Ava asked and Vincent shook his head.

"No I'm serious Ava, all of a sudden I'm getting pains and having the urge to throw up" he explained.

"Alright Ava, look at the screen and tell me what you see?" The doctor asked and Ava squinted her eyes while staring at screen, a small smile came to her face when she saw the baby.

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