chapter 21

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Vincent walked into the house then placed the umbrella down he was glad that he was okay. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs and he turned around. Ava ran over to Vincent, tipping on her toes she grabbed his face then kissed his lips. After a few seconds she pulled away then laughed.

"I'm glad you are okay, lets never do that again" she smiled and he nodded.

"Are you hungry" she asked and he slowly nodded his head. Ava led him to the kitchen then made him sit down.

"As soon as I'm finish eating I'm going to call Paris" Vincent said and Ava nodded then smiled. He watched her every moved. As she went back and forth to the fridge then to the stove while doing a little dance. Vincent chuckled and she turned towards him.

"What?" She asked and he smiled while looking at her with adoration in his eyes.

"Nothing" he said and she walked up to him then leaned over the island.

"You're lieing why were you laughing was it because I did a weird dance?" She asked with her nose scrunched up and he shook his head.

"Your dance was cute" he whispered then leaned forward. He was about to kiss her when she placed her finger on his lips. A smile came to her lips and she stepped back.

"Anyways I miss my baby so much" Ava whined as she flipped the pancake. "I wish I could hold her and kiss those yummy cheeks. Ava said and Vincent nodded.

"I can't wait until this is all over so we could get her" he paused "You know what I'm going to call mom now. Vincent stood up then ran up the stairs to get his phone. When he got it, he FaceTime him mom.

"Hi Vincent how is everything going, how is Ava?" Mom asked.

"We are doing great mom but we miss our little angel so much" he said as he walked back to the kitchen. Ava walked over to Vincent with two plates in her hand. Placing them both down with two cups of coffee.

"Good morning Mrs Williams" Ava waved and her face lit up.

"Hello darling I hope you guys are doing okay, anyways heres little Paris, she just ate now she's playing with her toys" Mom said and a smiled came to both their faces when they saw their daughter.

"Hi P" Ava cooed and Paris looked up while chewing on her fingers.

"Maaa, dada" she said while pointing at the screen.

"We miss you so much baby" Ava cooed while giving her kisses over the phone. Paris screamed then grabbed the phone.

"Baby we can't see your face only those chunky and cute lips" Vincent chuckled.

"Let daddy see your face baby, wait let grandma put you on the couch" Mrs Williams said while trying to take the phone from her. Paris started crying while trying to reach for the phone.

 Paris started crying while trying to reach for the phone

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