chapter 14

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Vincent was so upset that Ava didn't tell him about Paris. He wanted to be there for her, hold her hand and tell her everything will be okay when she's giving birth to his daughter. He felt so hurt because if he hadn't work with Ava's dad he would've never met his daughter. Just thinking about it made him angry. "I can't believe she didn't tell me the first day I got here" he said then stood up. Leaving the house he walked over to her house. Today was his day off from work so he planning to spend sometime with Paris.

He heard her crying and he looked up the stairs. "Okay princess daddy is coming" Vincent said as he ran up the stairs. "I can't believe I am a father" he said to himself. Opening the door he walked over to her. Paris looked up at Vincent and she smiled while pumping her little legs and moving her arms up and down.

"Aww I can't believe I am a father to this little cutie pie" he cooed then picked her up. He began bouncing her and she laid her head on his chest. She began chewing on her finger and Vincent smiled. "Do you need a diaper change?" He asked then placed her down on the changing table. He unbutton her onesie then removed her dirty diaper. "Stinky" he laughed then threw it in the bin and Paris laughed. After he cleaned her off he put on a fresh diaper then removed her clothes. "Okay let's pick out something cute for the day" Vincent said while going through the drawer.

"How about a white onesie and and a headband just like how mommy dresses you" he said and she smiled. "Why are you so cute P?" he said as he began putting on her clothes.

Ava sat up in bed staring up at the ceiling. She didn't want to see Vincent after what happened. Just thinking about it made her anxious. "Why do I feel so nervous?" She asked herself. Standing she began pacing around the room. "Ava get it together, you already told him that Paris is his" Ava said the run her hand through her curls.

Ava left her room and walked down the hall to Paris's nursery to see if she was awake. She saw that the door was opened and she cocked one eyebrow up. "How about a white onesie and and a headband just like how mommy dresses you" Vincent said and Ava heart melted when she saw Vincent dressing Paris. "Why are you so cute P?" He said then picked her up and kissed both her cheeks.

Ava felt really bad for not telling him. She loved seeing Vincent and Paris together. Ava was worried that when the paparazzi see him and Paris together they will start gossiping. Ava didn't want that to happen just the thought of it scared her. "Ok now that you are all done let's go downstairs" he said and Ava's eyes widen. She quickly ran back to her room, not wanting to be seen by Vincent.

Vincent left the nursery and went downstairs to the living room. He placed Paris down on soft sheets and she looked up at him then smiled. "You are such a happy baby" Vincent cooed.

Few minutes later Paris started crying, Vincent picked her then laid her on his chest

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Few minutes later Paris started crying, Vincent picked her then laid her on his chest. He knew that she was hungry but Ava wasn't up as yet. Paris continued crying while Vincent was bouncing her he stood up when he saw Ava walking down the stairs. "She's hungry" Vincent said then stood up. Ava nodded and took the baby from Vincent then sat down.

Ava was about to pull her shirt up and Vincent turned his head. She brushed her nipple against her lips and she accepted it. Ava placed her finger in Paris's hand and she held on to it. "I'm not working today so I'm spending time with my daughter" he told Ava and she nodded.

"Are taking her somewhere?" Ava asked and he nodded. "Where?" She questioned and he looked over at her.

"We are going to the baby pool then she's going to get a baby massage so get those breast milk ready" he told her and Ava got really nervous. She burped Paris then laid her back down.

"Can't you just make her do the baby massage only?" Ava asked while biting down on her lip.

"Ava you don't need to worry Paris will be fine and I'll be in the pool with her" Vincent assured her and Ava. She was still worrying about Paris being in a pool.

Ava got Paris's diaper bag prepared then handed it to Vincent. Ava kissed Paris's forehead then her cheeks and she smiled. "Bye princess" Ava cooed. Ava watched Vincent as he placed Paris in her carseat then closed the door. He got into the drivers seat then drove off.

Ava sighed then walked over to her couch. She sat down then picked up a book. "I miss my Paris already" Ava pouted. The door opened and and Ava wondered it was who looking up she saw Lilly walked in.

"Good morning Ava look what I brought" Lilly said while holding the bag up.

"Good morning, you brought breakfast" Ava smiled as Lilly walked over to her. Lilly placed the bag down then hugged Ava.

"Where is Paris" Lilly asked while looking around.

"I told Vincent that the baby was his" Ava blurted out and lilly squealed.

"Well how did he take it?" Lilly asked and Ava pursed her lips.

"He didn't take it very well, he told me that he figured it out because P looks like him. And he was saying why didn't I tell him when He came the first day" Ava paused. "We met at the store when I was pregnant and he told me why didnt I tell him that the baby was his. Lilly he wanted to be apart of Paris's life even before she was born, he said that he wanted to hold my hand while I'm giving birth to his baby. I feel so bad that I kept it from him" Ava told her.

"Oh he's a really good guy but you were scared so..." Lilly shrugged.

"Yeah he took Paris out for the day" Ava said and Lilly nodded.

"So what will happen when he stops working for your dad and he goes back home he's going keep Paris for a couple of day then she comes back to you?" Lilly asked and Ava didn't know how to answer.

"Umm.... I think so because Vincent and I aren't together" Ava said and Lilly nodded "I wish it wasn't like that" Ava whispered to herself then started eating her food. The only that was on her mind was what Lilly asked.




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