chapter 10

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4 months

Ava was happy that today was finally the day that her parents will be arriving. Her parents were always busy and she wasn't happy that they lived in California away from her, but she was happy that they visited her on the holidays. Ava stood up and walked into the bathroom. "Okay I need to have a bath before Paris wakes up" she whispered.

Quickly removing all her clothes she stepped into the tub. Turning the shower on she let the water run through her hair going all the way down she felt so relaxed. After Ava finished having a bath she brushed her teeth then comb her hair into a messy bun. Leaving the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her waist she walked into her closet to get dressed in skinny jeans and a tee shirt.

Ava left her room and walked down the hall to the nursery. Opening the door Ava walked over to the crib. "Paris" Ava said when she saw Paris laying in her her crib wide awake while sucking on her pacifier. Paris looked up at Ava while pumping her little legs and moving her and up and down. "Aww I love you so much" Ava cooed then picked her up.

"Grandma and grandpa are coming over today they are going to be happy to see you" Ava cooed the kissed her cheek. Ava gave Paris a bath then got her dressed in her onesie and cute little headband. "Let's get something in that tummy" Ava said then left the room. She went downstairs to the living room. Ava turned on the TV then sat down on the couch with the baby in her arms. Pulling up her tee shirt she began breastfeeding Paris.

"Oh I forgot that dad is going bring someone with him, I can't wait to welcome that person" Ava smiled down at Paris who was staring up at Ava. When Paris was finished she pulled away and Ava burped her.

"Mommy is going to lay you down in the bassinet while I go and prepare breakfast okay" Ava kisses her forehead then placed her down. Ava placed the pacifier in her mouth then walked off. Ava prepared pancakes for herself. Grabbing a couple of fruits from the fridge she placed them on her then then took up the syrup.

Ava walked back into the living room then sat down on the couch she began eating her breakfast while watching the tv. Ever since she had Paris it wasn't easy on her at all. She had to do everything by herself. Wake early in the morning when Paris cries, it was her first time being a mom and she didn't know most things but she learned on her own. Lilly would come over sometimes to help with the baby.

Ava's doorbell rang and her head snap towards the door. Placing her plate down she walked over to the door. Opening the door she was welcomed by her parents.

"Mom, dad I missed you guys so much" Ava smiled then hugged the both of them.

"We missed you too Ava" her mom said and Ava gestured them to come inside.

"Is that my granddaughter over there?" Mom asked and Ava nodded then smiled. Her mom walked over walked over to the bassinet then picked Paris up. "You are so chunky aww" she cooed and Paris smiled. She gave Paris lots of kisses and she giggled. Dad took the baby from mom and he sat down on the couch. Ava was so happy to see her parents with Paris.

"She is very sweet and adorable Ava you've done a good job sweetheart, I'm sorry we weren't there to help you take care of her" her mom said and Ava gave her a small smile.

"It's okay mom Lilly was here to help me" Ava told her and her mom nodded.

"Ava should be spending time with you too but instead we are doing business but I promise that well make it up to you" her father said and Ava nodded then told him it was okay. Ava glanced over at Paris who was staring up at her dad with a frown on her face.

Okay we are going to put these bags in the guest room then we'll be right down" Mom said and dad placed Paris back in her bassinet.

"Okay let me help" Ava picked up the bag then walked upstairs to the guest room where her parents were staying. Placing the bag down with other she went back down the stairs. She heard the door opened and closed and she knew it was the person that her dad was working with.

"Hey princess aren't you the cutest" Vincent cooed. Paris just stared up at him with a little frown on her face. She wasn't used to being around men only woman. "Hey princess" he cooed while playing with her hand. He leaned forward and she grabbed a fistful of hair.

"Ouch, you have a really strong grip" he said while slowly removing his hair from her tiny grasp.

"Oh I'm so sorry" Ava apologised then walked over to him. Ava helped him removed his hair from Paris's grip. He stepped back and Ava looked down at Paris who was smiling from ear to ear while moving her arms up and down.

"Paris that's not nice" Ava said and Paris started laughing. Ava couldn't help herself but laugh.

"That's okay she's just a baby" Vincent smiled. Ava turned towards him and a gasp left her lips.

"Ava" Vincent said and her eyes widen.
Oh my God

"Vincent" she whispered while staring into his eyes, she didn't know what to say or do.
Oh my god the father of my baby is standing infront of me, should I tell him or is it too early.

Her phone started ringing and she sighed in relief "I'm going to get that" she said then ran up the stairs to her room. Ava picked up her phone and saw that it was Lilly. She answered it.

"Lilly guess who's over here" Ava said while biting down on her lip.

"Your parents?"

"Yes they are here but the person they are working with guess who it is?"

"I don't know Ava I'm not too good at guessing"

"It's Vincent he's downstairs with Paris"

"O my God"

"That's what I said, I mean in my thoughts though" Ava said.

"I'll be right over"

"Okay but I'm scared to go back downstairs. I'm glad that he'll be in the guest house" Ava said.

"Ok I'm coming I'll be there bye"


Vincent couldn't believe that Ava was Mr Brooks daughter. He was glad he saw her because he wanted to know why did she leave without saying anything. "I didn't know that you have met my daughter before" Mr Brooks said and Vincent nodded.

"Yes sir we met before" Vincent said and Mr Brooks walked up to him.

"So do you like her?" Mr Brooks asked then shove his hands into his pocket.

"I do like her but I'm not sure if she does so we'll just be friends" Vincent told him.

"Well okay if it's just friends then everything is good. I'm leaving to do something well back soon can you tell Ava please" he said and Vincent nodded. Mr and Mrs Brooks left and Vincent sighed. He turned to look at Paris who was looking around wide eyes. He couldn't believe that Ava had a baby and he wondered if the baby was his.




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