of health and happines (6)

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the crew spent the time together for what may be the last time. madame pomfrey let them stay up late. after this they headed for theyre abandoned classroom. it dosent make sense said grace he was doing good when i left and then that new nurse shows up suddenly hes ill and brain damaged. people can take a turn comforted aspen. no its not like that said gracey a bit more agressivly. it was his legs that were the problem he was talking and writing his diary. he has a diary said aspen. yeah he kept it in here somewhere. i hid it for him said gracey. theres something wrong with that nurse she just didnt seem right said aspen. i just dont trust her. if theres anything going on over this its in that diary said devon. suddenly they heard a noise outside the door. someone heard us said gracey and she started hyperventilating aspen calmed her down and they looked out the door to find out who was spying. they saw a doctors coat swishing round a corner that way and the 3 ran toward them and kept running. until they had lost the noise they sat down on the side of a pillar and caught theere breaths. anyone else smell really bad joked aspen. yeah me to gasped gracey. after half an hour they still hadnt caught there breaths. gracey broke the silence and said why arent we catching ou breaths. i need my enhaler and she grabbed ut from her pocket. suddenly they all realised at the same time. they saw smoke coming from the direction of there classroom and they all ran there at once. the room was on fire. the pillows were blazing the walls were charred. noooooooooooo screamed grace as she grabbed what remained of her drawings. the diary screamed aspen.she dived at diary and grabbed it. the pages were charred but it might be salvagable. help arrived quickly and students were sent to there dorms. i have an idea said aspen. what is it asked gracey glumly while flicking though an old charred scrapbook. ive heard about a spell in a book i read its called restorus explained aspen it restores things apparently its very complex. could we learn it asked devon from his bed by the window. yes we could and thats what i thought we could do but the problems is that we need to learn this quick. as in how quick asked devon. like before the train leaves tomorow at lunchtime. well if anyone in hogwarts can do this we can said gracey before tucking herself in and checking her heartrate.

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