of visions and very big plans (53)

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grace felt herself slipping away from her body. she saw a dementor swarm around her. she rolled to her back and tried to stand up. her legs couldnt support her weight and she crawled over the grass as dementors flew around her. she gasped and tried tostop the dementors. she heard someone scream. she felt warm air rush over her back. we need to get you to the hospital wing said a familair voice. it was mg. grace was picked up by a few professors. she coudlnt fight it anymore and fell into the mans vision. she saw him waking up. he put on the same robe from before. grace realised this was the morning after the last dream. the man walked to the hallway of his house. he checked the mail and saw a letter. he picked it up and read it with vigor. it was in another language but grace got the idea. someone was nearing. grace saw the man go upstairs and see the ill woman. she was still sleeping. he left her food and went to get dressed. he took a bath and got dressed. he went downstairs and began to read the daily prophet. as he read grace slipped back to reality and she was back in the hospital wing. devon gem aspen and arthur were standing around her. hilda had left to get madame pomfrey. what happened asked grace. you were attacked by a dementor while walking to the statium and then when the teachers found you and picked you up. you collapsed on the way there said arthur. he hugged her. after a while of talking she was allowed back to her dorm. she layed down and propped herself up with pillows. what happened asked gem. how about you speak and i write down what you say suggested hilda. grace agreed and hilda grabbed her typewriter. she began to type as grace talked. grace described in detail what happened. you should talk to someone said devon when grace was done. who can i talk to said grace. proffesor trewlaney she's the divination teacher adviced gem. what time is it asked grace. its 6pm said devon. the conversation lasted a while longer before grace remembered it was the day of the first task. arthur had gotten second place but theryn was first. grace fell asleep with thoughts of her dreams. she awoke early next morning and got dressed. she headed for the divination tower. she climbed the ladder and entered the classroom. trewlaney was sitting in a comfy armchair. welcome said proffesor trewlaney. hi responded grace. what is it you seek from me said trewlaney in a misty voice. im here to talk about some visions ive been having said grace sitting down a chair near the proffesor. grace described her dreams. trewlaney listened and asked a few questions like what happened next and when do these dreams come. trewlaney concluded grace needed to come back after a while so trewlaney could re charge her batteries. grace left and went to her dorm. i need to talk to you said gem. yeah sure said grace. we need to plan said gem. for what asked grace. all this stuff over the discpiles stated gem. we cant sit here doing nothing. no one is doing anything said gem. tonight we need to meet up and plan some stuff added gem. and he went to grab lunch. grace had been feeling the same way. she read some books for a while before she saw her friends walk in. gem sat everyone down and locked the door. he cast muffliato and began the meeting. gem began. as we all know the wizarding world yet again is gooing through a crisis. and someone has to do something. the others agreed and gem continued. i have a plan. at easter holidays we will leave hogwarts to hunt down the disciples. any questions he asked. how will we travel asked arthur. mithy owned a magical motorhome and when she died she left it to me in her will said gem. okay then how will we know where to go asked hilda. in the files we stole it said a list of suspected areas said gem. why us asked devon. why not us said gem. sound like a plan stated grace. they agreed roles for eatch other. grace and aspen would work on collecting supplies. gem and devon would focus on planning the trip. hilda would work on collecting information but due to arthurs triwizard responsibilities he couldnt help much. the coming weeks were dominated by slow progress. graces dreams were getting better and hildas sleuthing was getting more and more info. on halloween night the students had the choice to go on a five day trip to the magic lands. gem had a plan.

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