of revolution and rescue (23)

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with a 6 week holiday drawing to an end and the second year of school about to begin they were all very excited. they were spending time more and more often at the school building just relaxing in the library. the school was quite small but was still rather nice. unlike hogwarts it wasnt a boarding school. one night the entire squad was asleep but they were woken up by the noise of people entering the house. grace and the others decided to spy on the people who were there. they went into the landing and looked down the stairs. a group of council members were arriving. darius was greeting them. the council members sounded panicked and they all went into the sitting room. whats going on whispered gem and he looked at the others. i dont know said aspen. im gonna grab darius's invisibility cloak said devon and he creeped up to darius's bedroom where he grabbed the cloak and walked back downstairs to where the squad were watching the council who were down in the bottom floor sitting room discussing. they all got under the cloak and walked downstairs. we cant do it now said a member of the council. lets not discuss here said darius tiredly lets go to the meeting room. the squad rushed into the meeting room. it was a medium room with bookshelves lining all the walls. there was a massive 12 seat table. the squad hid in cupboards witch lined the bottom of the bookshelves. they eatch hid in one and closed the doors. they could see out the locks though. the council walked in and they all sat down. well heres the situation said a tall woman as she drank a glass of water. theres a meeting going on in the ministry and so all of the ministry is converging. now is are chance. we can take over she continued. no its too risky said a thin man. oh come on we've been waiting for months now said an angry big man and he pushed his fist down on the table. calm down bartholemew said darius. we need to vote. darius conjured a box and they all put in slips of paper. well that says it all said the tall woman. darius and the other began planning and sending memos. they left the room heading for the blood pool witch people used to enter and exit the dark city. the squad left there cuboards and discussed as the headed upstairs to get dressed. they flew on there clothes over there pyjamas. grace grabbed her big holdall of medical supplies and aspen grabbed a bag of stink bombs from darius's room. gem put on combat boots and covered his face in a hood . devon grabbed his wand and a hood so he could go out in the sun. they ran over through to the blood pool. there was a group of liberators in black and red robes. amongst them was darius. what are you bloody doing said darius as he adjusted a tabard he was wearing witch had a number on it. we're here to fight said gem and puffed up his chest. im here to be a medic said grace. fine said darius and he told them to put on tabards on top of there outfits. they were all numbered 7 and so was darius. im youre platoon leader he said to a squad of people including the squad. alright we'll be rolling out soon and dropping in the blood pool. we'll rise up in fountain in the ministry main hall. said devon and he handed grace a tabard that said medic and had a red cross. what is a group of children doing with us said a purple haired teen. hey you were there age on youre first trip ted said darius. ted agreed and gave them a look of jealousy. number 6 yelled the commander and a group of liberators jumped in the pool. are you ready said the commander group 7. yes sir said darius and he put on goggles. everyone was handed goggles and they put them on and then the commander called number 7 and they jumped into the blood red pool. they landed in a fountain sorounded by hundreds of ministry guards. shit said devon as he gulped. another lot of savages said a gaurd. well if it isnt darius crowley said a woman with a voice like a knife. darius looked embarassed and didnt say a word. the group were shuffled over to a cage where they were locked in. they sat and felt like the world had fallen apart. darius looked determined. he whispered to the group. once i finish talking to you im gonna destroy this cage and set everyone free. you will to the fountain and dive in while in deal with the rest. 3 . 2. 1. he said and then it all happened at once aspen though a box of stink clouds and gas covered the room. darius launched a bomb from his wand killing hundreds of guards. he threw a vile of blood into the fountain and the group darted and dived into the fountain. another cage exploded and another squad ran into the fontain. 5 cages of people were saved and darius kept fighting on. when he was the only one left there other then the surviving guards he shot a spell at the fountain and dived in. the blood in the fountain drained and no one in the ministry could dive in.

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