of covering and christmas (64)

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when grace woke up she went downstairs and made herself some toast. it was only 6am and she was the only person awake. she made her toast and heard the front door close. she spun around and saw a muscly young man with flaming ginger hair. who are you said the man. im someone staying at the safehouse what about you said grace. im charlie wesley said the man. he walked over and shook graces hand. she noticed he had quite a few burns. i work with dragons said charlie. that explains alot said grace. have you seen my partner asked charlie. no responded grace honeslty. he looks about 9 feet tall because of his boots joked charlie. grace thought for a second. the mans he had killed looked 9 feet tall. he guards the road to here said charlie. we didnt see anyone when we arrived said grace. il go for a walk along the road and il tell you if i see him said grace. charlie smiled. grace got dressed and told aspen and hilda what she heard. stick to the story whispered grace. the others agreed. grace told gem arthur and devon. they did the same. grace left to go on a walk. she was walking down the lane when she saw a fancy car driving down the lane. the car stopped and the window went down. dogger said the man driving. im not the guard said grace. she saw who was driving. it was the famous harry potter and his wife ginny weasley. the car kept on driving to the burrow. grace kept walking. she saw the fallen tree. she walked over to it. she lifted the log and saw the mans body. he was still dead. grace clicked her finger and a fire sprung from the her hand. she flung the little flame onto the mans body. she ran away and arrived at the burrow soon after. did you see him asked charlie. no lied grace. grace saw harry potter going upstairs with his son. harrys son looked down and saw grace. il be up in a mintue said his son. hey said harrys son walking downstairs. hi responded grace. my names albus but i prefer al said harrys son. its grace said grace. are you a weasley asked al. no im just passing through with my friends said grace. who you doing asked al. im good you responded grace. wanna go for a walk asked albus. yeah answered grace. grace put on a coat and the 2 walked out and grace steered them away from the body. it was getting dark and grace was getting tired. the 2 sat down on a bench and albus looked into graces eyes. he leaned into grace. he kissed her on the lips. she leaned out. i have a boyfriend. that dosent matter to me said albus. well it does to me responded grace. she left and went back to the burrow. she went inside and ate some food. the next week was very exciting. grace avoied albus at all costs. on christmas day grace awoke and went downstairs. all of the others were already awake. she had no presents but i didnt bother her. she sat in a corner in an armchair next to charlie weasley. the night was etting in and harry came over. can i talk to you asked harry. huh responded grace. can we talk outside said harry. she went outside with harry. i dont know what you want from my son but youre not gonna get it said harry seriously. i dont want anything from him he wants something from me responded grace. my son would never do that said harry. he slapped her across the face. what was that for said grace. they hears someone talking. i cant look at him and pretend he's alive said the voice. harry drew his wand. grace stood behind him. we killed someone said hilda. YOU KILLED SOMEONE shouted harry. it was me said arthur. who got killed said charlie who had left the burrow. grace gulped and slipped back into the burrow. the arguement outisde continued. grace told aspen gem and devon. the 4 ran upstairs to grab there things. they packed all there things and got ready to leave. grace put the bag in her pocket and went downstairs. she went outisde and saw charlie with his wand to arthurs throat. no screamed grace. he killed the love of my life shouted charlie. an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind said grace. molly weasley came outside. WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING WITH A WAND TO A CHILDS THROAT screamed mrs weasley. she shot a spell at charlie. he was flung across the feild. he shot a spell and it exploded a massive old tree. harry ran inside. mr weasley came outside. what did you do to my son shouted mr weasley. just then as if it couldnt get worse albus came outside. look at what i found said albus. he handed mr weasley a perice of paper. YOU PLANNED ON BREAKING INTO ARE HOUSE screamed mr weasley. run shouted grace. she shot a spell at mr and mrs weasley. it stunned them. hilda and arthur got in the front seat. graces friends dived into the motorhome. grace grabbed the papers on the order of the phoenix and they set off. what happened asked aspen. alot said grace.

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