of borders and butlers (16)

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the guard admitted them and gave them directions to the hogwarts embassy. the streets were tight and filled with stalls and witches and wizards were hustling and bustling. they saw a large building with hogwarts embassy written on top of the door. they ditched the horse at a charity and they walked into the embassy. dear me said the receptionist and she thumbled around and ordered them to the headteachers office upstairs. they saw mgonagal and madame hooch in there talking about class schedules. hello said grace shyly. oh thank merlin youre safe mg said as she rushed over. they explained what they saw and what happened. oh dear she muttered and she began furiosly writing letters and sending them by owl. heres a map and the way to the airport said mg as she stood up and she looked into the fire. il come with said hooch and she flung on a cloak and threw them all riding cloaks witch they flung on. we cans stop at a restraunt along the way and get food. and she walked with them over to the popping pot restraunt. they eatch ate a seasonal winter soup and a little extra bread. alright said hooch and they wackled quite quickly to a grand white building. they walked in and saw several desks. one in the corner was labeled hogwarts airstrip. they walked over there and got free emergency tickets. they waited for half an hour for the carrige to arrive. they boarded a massive carrige witch was filled with couchs and coffee tables. they sat down for the 12 hour long trip. after 13 hours they had arrived and got out very quickly and raced to the hospital wing. madame pomfrey looked them over and deemed they just needed some good food water and maybe a long rest. well you can go back on the friday was the general conscences. they all went to bed in there own four poster. mr whiskers was very happy to be back with grace and he snuggled up with her in the freezing cold dorm. the next morning they all sat down by the fire. aspen dusted her warming pans. a letter arrived that morning stating they would be getting a visit from kingsley shacklebolt minister of magic. they went to the headmasters office and saw at the desk the tall bald aging man who was minister. now considering the current state of the world. this all started when aspen ate a cake made by chauncy chadwick. graces parents butler. he had a reason to do this. he was a vampire and was angry at graces father pruposing an anti vampire piece of legislation. he hoped they would eat the cake and die but graces mother re gifted it to grace and then aspen ate it. aspen was in hospital doing well until she took a walk and chauncy kidnapped her and very quickly she was tortured. a vampire attacked a carrige at random but upon this happening you were lost. and so there it is. what we know so far. now back to your dormitory while i make myself at home as the new headmaster of hogwarts. and he dismissed them.

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