of travel and trouble (28)

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they walked into the town and saw skyscrapers as high as hogwarts. they wandered in there animal forms. this was a muggle town it was clear to see. they passed as normal animals except devon. he looked very odd out in plain daylight. as the sun began to set they headed back to the mansion content with the day. they transformed when they were in there rooms and began to put on there pjs and get into bed. they closed there eyes and slowly they all fell asleep except grace. she was tossing and turning worrying. she looked at the time. it was 3am and something was weighing on her. she was worried about almost everything. she rummaged through her bags and found a small book she didnt recognise. she placed it on her desk and began flick through the pages. she read. it was about a witch who had became disenfranchised with the cause she had previously supported. grace read and read. but stopped when she saw sunlight. she went to sleep and woke up to aspen knocking on her door. grace rolled out of bed and opened the door. what she said. aspen handed her a letter and a small brown box. she opened the letter and read. dear grace its amy i dont know where you are but im sorry. sincerely amy. grace was dissapointed. after betraying us and exposing are secrets she did this said grace. i know said aspen shaking her head. grace opened the package. it was from darius. the box had a medics uniform and a set of instructions. aspen had recieved similair things only hers wasnt a medics uniform. they woke up devon and gem and headed down to the food hall. when they were sat down eating breakfast. they saw muriel walk in and told them all to be quiet. the day has come said muriel with a smile. we will depart for britian at 12pm. you are to go to the central hall of the main mansion and will be assinged a route of travel and a battalion. and with that she left. the hall erupted in cheers. grace stood up and left aspen gem and devon followed her. they went back to there bedrooms and packed all there items into trunks. grace was grabbing everything from her room. she packed everything. she even packed the blanket witch was in her room when she arrived. aspen packed little as she could. they ran down at 11am they were fully packed and they handed the bags to the doorman who promised to have them reunited with theyre bags asap. they walked around and faced the fact they might die in the coming battle. they wandered around the grounds silently. at 11.40 they walked into the main hall. they lined up and were sorted into batalions of 20. they were all made batalion number 9 and were assigned to travel on a small plane. they would land near london and head for the ministry as backup. they were shuffled into a sideroom and there comander gave them a pep talk. you are the liberators of the world. you are the future. one day people will sing youre names. i am so confident that we will win. shouted there comander with pride. cheers erupted through batalion number 9. now you ought to sit down and rest until we head for are plane said the commander with a smile. they sat down on some benches and began to chat. at 12.20 there comander told them to get up and follow him. they followed him through the lawns to a small landing strip with an old rusty plane sitting on it. they got in and sat down in the chairs. there commander made sure they were sat down and then left to do something important. well its finally time beamed gem a tear dripping from his eye. grace had a barf bag in her hand and was going paler by the minute. aspen looked concerned she was frantically tapping eatch of her pockets and growing more and more frantic the more pockets she tapped. she opened her bag and went pale as a ghost. i left my wand in my room she screamed. oh no said devon panicked. where is it said gem calmly. its in my room cried aspen. why dont we run and grab it said devon. i dont have my key for my room. are you forgetting about magic said grace sarcastically. i know but i dont have a wand said aspen. il go with you said grace and she stood up and left the plane dragging aspen behind her. they ran all the way to there bedrooms.

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