of running away and really good news (62)

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they left town but behind them they saw disciples shooting spells at them. we should head for ottery st catchpol said grace. we dont wanna break into a house before christmas said aspen. everyone into bed said arthur. il stay up said grace. while everyone was getting into bed grace made hot chocalate for her and arthur. grace sat in the passenger seat and put the hot chocalate in the cup holders. you okay with night driving said grace. its fine with headlights joked arthur. grace looked at the road as it wooshed under the camper. grace kept thinking she saw that creature sent by the disciples. wanna turn on the radio asked grace. sure but quiet dont wanna wake the others up said arthur. grace turned it on and listened close. BREAKING NEWS said the anouncer. grace listened closer. we have reports of people dying due to a disease caused by the cure for vampirism read the anouncer. grace gupled. the rest of the news was of how hogwarts had won the battle. grace saw a small note on the dashboard. she read it. it was a radio frequency. she tuned in. youre listening to radio liberty read the anouncer. im lorna crowley and this is are breaking story. i know her said grace. shes darius's sister. a new safe house has opened in ottery st catchpol read lorna. the weasleys burrow opened last night and is taking in visitors. the current code phrase is dogger anounced lorna. now theres a twist of fate joked arthur. grace felt wonderful. she went into bed and her dreams were filled with thoughts of that disease she heard about. she woke up at the crack of dawn. they were still driving. hilda was behind the wheel. grace got dressed. she took out her mirror and looked at herself. her makeup from the ball was still on. it looked pristine. she tried to wipe it off but it wouldnt budge. you look great said gem. he saw her trying to wipe it off her makeup. hilda pulled over to let them use the toilet and light a fire. they pulled over and grace went to find some wood. she was walking through some woods when she heard a woosh. she whipped out her wand. i know who you are said grace. someone dropped from the trees in front of her. she adjusted her posture. how did you find me asked grace. i went to the town with the others and i guessed said the creature. who were you asked grace. dont you know said the creature. show me youre face then said grace. the creature put its hand to its face and removed a mask. it pulled back its hood to reveal a face like no other. merula exclaimed grace. merulas face was warped and looked burned. where you the thing in the town asked grace. yes answered merula. how did you geet like this asked grace. i was meant to kill you at the yule ball but i failed so they turned me into this thing i am today answered merula. dont go back to them said grace. where should i go then said merula bitterly. spy on the disciples for me asked grace. merula knodded. we meet here next week and you tell me what you have found said grace. merula knodded. merula put her mask on and jumped into the branches. grace picked up the branchs and went to light the fire. she and her friends roasted some sauseges. after this they set off for the burrow.

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