of documents and near death experiences (52)

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im gonna go get gem said devon. he ran off. we should wait until gems here said aspen. the others mumbled in agreement. when gem got there he sat down with the documents. he conjured a stand and he placed it in the centre of the room. they all made a circle around the stand and began to read the file on the fog. and this is what they read. as the current situation is we beleive that the fog around hogwarts is caused by dementors nearing the area. the ministry are unable to call these dementors back. we beleive that the fog is caused by the dementors trying to suck the soul out of everyone around hogwarts. the fog has caused 3 deaths to date. are efforts have stopped many deaths but this is not good enough. we have come to the conclusion that we should try to cast a massive patronus sheild over the school. the report continued for page apon page for 120 pages of details. the crew were horrified as they read. page by page where filled with details of brutal killings by monsters in the fog. they closed the folder at it end and dicussed. we should tell darius said gem. he must know replied hilda. but if he sees this report he could do something responded grace. we should tell him anyway said arthur. then he would know grace broke into the office stated aspen. hes basically my dad assured devon. we are gonna tell him we found it end of said grace closing the conversation. the other folder was more tame. in simple terms the discpiles where a cult who were mainly ex followers of the long dead voldemort. there new leader was still unknow but they suspected the leader was bellatrix lestrange. she was an ex follower of voldemort. after they read this they discussed. after this they all went to bed but what wasnt usual was that hilda moved into there dorm. they had a spare bed since amy left and it was a matter of time until someone moved in. the next morning grace went straight to arthurs dorm. she had never been in his dorm. he was a year older then her so he stayed in the dorm for 4th years. she knocked on the door and arthur invitted her in. hey she said as she walked to sit on his bed. it was just arthur there. he was getting dressed. i think you want to read this said grace and she handed a file she found on the triwizard tournament. he opened it and began to read. il leave you to read that she said. she left and blew him a kiss. she went to her first class. she was sitting listening to proffesor binns talk about wizarding history. she was just listening when she began to feel ill. she took a drink of her water and looked down. her desk seemed to slip away. she looked to who was next her. the girl seemed to fade. she felt like the fog was nearing her. it became dark and she felt a splitting pain on her head. she saw a man walking through a mansion. she saw through his eyes again. he was walking to a bedroom. he entered and greeted a very thin and aged woman who was lying apon a massive four poster bed. the lady greeted him in a soft voice witch was sounded breathy and soft. she stumbled over her words as she asked him how he was doing. he told her he was fine before changing the bedsheets. he kissed her on her shrivveled face and walked away. his mansion was vast and filled with wonderful fashionable victorian couchs. he walked downstairs and he checked the mail before going to his own bedroom. he took of his robe and went to bed. grace woke up and looked around. she was in the hospital wing. madame pomfrey came over. im guessin you want to got to youre dorm she said offended. yeah repleid grace. you might want to go to the first task said madame pomfrey. wheres it being held said grace. its at the quidditch statium. i better head there said grace. she got dressed and ran down to the path to the quidich pitch. she was walking and walking when she looked down and realised the path was gone. she felt a cool breeze come over her. she suddenly dropped to the floor and saw a blanket of black come over her face.

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