of remembrance and recovery (47)

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grace talked with her friends for a while before she heard people coming. it was proffesor mg. look whos awake said proffesor mgonagal. you better clean your self up for the minister of magic she said. why asked grace. you saved lives you know said arthur. what asked grace. you dragged people away from the explosion said gem. just then darius walked in with a few guards. grace he said welcomly. will you be down in the great hall he asked. im gonna try but i dont know what its for said grace. she was still rather dazed. mathanway passed away in the battle said darius. he left to go to the great hall. grace was upset but had expected this. she and her friends chatted but she needed to get ready to go down. with help from madame pomfrey she changed into a dress and did her hair witch she noticed was now much longer. grace couldnt walk very well due to her injuries so madame pomfrey cast a spell witch made her hover a few inches off the ground. thy went downstairs and entered the great hall. the banners were black and grace got the feeling it had been a very sad month. she and her friends sat down and looked as darius began his speech. and this is what he said. over the last years we have beleived that we are in safety. this was ended by attacks on students and fear mongering by the ministry. i cant state how much danger we are in. this battle was only the begining. but in war we must fine peace. this may be found by a holiday or possibly the tri wizard tournament witch is starting next school year. cheers erupted across the hall. darius left the hall and chatter erupted. do you want me to pack all youre stuff asked aspen. why asked grace. its the end of year feast said arthur. oh said grace. i can pack my own stuff said grace defencively. grace got to her feet and went to pack her clothes. her foot was hurting like hell and she could hardly manage the stairs. she finally arrived at her dorm and began to pack all her clothes. she had to pack mr whiskers intto hsi crate. whiskers get in there she called to him. he just jumped from bed to bed. she tried to chase after him but he was diving bed to bed and higher then she could reach. she couldnt help but be humiliated. a cat was faster then her. he jumped down in front of her and she picked him up. she looked at the door and saw arthur standing there. what are you doing asked arthur. arthur walked over and kissed her. she pulled out from the kiss and smiled. she looked around and she and arthur packed graces things and dropped them off with the other bags. the 2 went down to the great hall and ate some food before the prefects lead them to the station. they sat down and relaxed. the 6 chatted for hours as they rattled to london. upon arrival they got off and grace and devon said goodbye and walked to graces mums townhouse. graces mum was in a state. im going to kill that mg she fumed and sent grace and devon to bed. over the following weeks every day was similair. grace and devon would go to an old warehouse and grace would continue to try things like walk longer lenghts and climb ladders. by mid summer grace was nearly back to her full strengh. grace and devon decided to meet with gem and arthur. the 4 met in diagon alley and relaxed in florian fortescues ice cream parlor. they went to a new shop called magical mandatorys. whats a mandatory asked devon. its a thing thats needed replied arthur cockily. the 4 walked to the new shop and entered. the shop was a massive show room advertising tonnes of new products. they walked along the edge of the podiums looking at the products. grace picked out a magical radio. gem bought an automatic potion brewer. devon bought a small extendable wand and arthur bought nothing but payed for graces radio. he also bought her a bottle of liquid luck. devon and gem went to explore the rest of the street but arthur and grace went to a little public park. are you going to enter the triwizard tournament asked arthur as he put his arm around grace. no im too weak for that said grace. are you gonna enter. yes said arthur excitedly.

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