of preparing and partying (73)

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one afternoon grace was relaxing in a cafe. she was sipping an expensive coffee when a young boy came over to her. he handed her a letter and ran away. grace was intrigued. if she was being honest she was getting bored of daily normal life. she opened the letter. it was an invitation to a party. the letter read. you have been selected to go to the most exculsive party in the dark city. she was to bring one guest of her choice to the side of the dark lake where she would be brought by boat to alcove estate where the party would start. grace was excited. she nearly spat out her coffee at the prospect of the party. she ran to the house and told arthur. he went out to get a tuxedo while grace decided to find a new dress. she found a wonderful gray dress with a gray fur lined coat. she purchased it and ran home. she told her friends and they were excited except gem. so you feel like running away when youre brothers on deaths door said gem. its not my job to take care of him said grace. devon was still ill. he dripped in and out of consciousness and could hardly speak. grace was getting ready when arthur got in. he got dressed and arthur thought he looked amazing. his hair looked wonderful. it was down to his shoulders. arthur wasnt conventionally attractive. he had a very square head and curly straggly hair but grace didnt care. she cared more about personality. she had never found a man attractive. grace tried to let her hair down but it was solid as ever. she decided to role with it and head out. she and arthur walked to the lakeside and saw a veneitian gondola waiting for them. who are you asked the gondola man. im grace and hes my plus one said grace. get in and il take you towards the estate said the operator. grace and arthur got inside and sat on the posh red seat. the gondola began to sail through the lake. they sailed farther and farther from the shore. the water twinkled in the lantern light. grace got a bad feeling. i dont feel right said grace to arthur. you'll be fine seen as i can swim joked arthur. its not about the boat its about this party said grace. she looked at her invitation. does it say who invited you asked arthur. i was invited by mrs nott said grace. any clue who she is asked arthur. no but i intend to find out said grace. it had been 20 minutes and the estate was still not in sight. as they rounded a bend in the rocly river they saw the mansion. it was 5 stories tall and bright pink and yellow. it was lighted by neon lights. grace was suprised such a massive manor was down here. they pulled up to a boathouse. a butler helped them out the gondola and into the ornate boathouse. they entered the manor and found the party already in full swing. everyone was dancing and drinking. grace and arthur joined in. grace was having so much fun she didnt bother taking off her coat. mr nott entered and guided them to the dining hall. they all sat down to eat. grace was sipping soup when she began to feel roasting hot. she decided to quickly run to the cloakroom and take off her coat. she was walking through the entrance hall when she heard voices. she dived into an old dirty cupboard. she closed the door and listened in. we cant keep her here forever said a high pitched voice. she cant be moved said a deep voice. she cant stay here worrried the high pitched voice. the souls here are all she needs said the deep voice. grace was shocked. grace looked at the floor and saw a spider. she screamed. the voices ran over to the cupboard. the door swung open and grace shot both the people with one spell. she tied them up and left the cupboard. she went to the dining room again. oh youre back just in time for the show said mr nott. he escorted everyone into a massive theatre. please take youre seats said mr nott. grace sat down next to arthur as far from the group as she could. tonights show is a brand new show anounced mr nott. he ran to the backstage door. bellatrix is in the building whispered grace to arthur. how would she get here asked arthur. how did you get here asked grace. we found a smuggler who brought us in whispered arthur. silence the show is begining said the woman next to grace. im sorry but ive got more pressing matters responded grace. do you know who youre talking to said the woman indignintly. no and i dont care responded grace. im madame orlean odment said the woman as if she expected grace to be shocked. the curtains of the stage swung open. grace looked in aw. the play began. she had a weird feeling the show was familiar. it was about a girl afraid of magic who got herself caught up in all sorts of trouble. the girl in that looks like you whispered arthur. grace was in shock.

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