of classes and contact (35)

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grace awoke and ran to the great hall for breakfast. by the time she had finished her breakfast it was time for her first class. double defence against the dark arts said grace as she read her timetable to aspen. looks like its only you who takes it said aspen. grace walked all the way across the school to the d.a.d.a. tower. when she entered the classroom it was mainly year 3s. she sat down at a desk next to a girl. im hilda said the girl shaking graces hand. im grace responded grace. as they introduced themselves a chill. grace put on a cardigan. she had always been bad with cold. has anyone cast a spell to make it cold in here shouted hilda. the classs mumbled no. smash went the door and a tall dark cloaked figure entered. everyone shivered as it floated to the front desk sat down. it put down its hood revealing a mangled face. it breathed and the students felt colder still. it whipped its boney hands across the desk extinguishing all the candles. i am proffessor deitrech said the figure in a breathy voice. it enhaled a deep long breath. the class began to shiver. the cold in the room became moist. condensation ran down the wooden desks. in todays lessson you will learn to defend against a wraith said the proffesor in its normal whispy voice. it began to explain the subject but no one paid attention. is that thing the normal proffesor asked grace to hilda. no responded hilda concernedly. i wonder what happened to proffesor peterson said another student. hilda put up her hand. the proffesor grunted in akknowledment. whats happened to proffesor peterson asked hilda friendly. the proffesor began to float down the rows to hilda. proffesor petterson was involved in an accident it droned. who are you might i ask said hilda fearlessly. the class recoiled in fear. grace nearly slipped under the desk. i am a tamed dementor said the proffesor angrily. it whooshed back to its desk and hissed. class continued but no one dared to even move in the creatures presence. at the end of class they left. hilda was paler then a ghost. you ought to see madame pomfrey said grace as they walked down stairs. maybe but im fine said hilda. no its not said grace. plus i dont want to go to potions she joked as they walked over to the hospital wing. they stepped into the wing and madame pomfrey rushed over. she didnt say a word. she just sat hilda down and gave her some chocalate. the wing was packed. who thought having a blooming dementor would be a good idea mumbled madame pomfrey. i can help said grace. whats your training asked madame pomfrey. i served at the battle of the ministry said grace proudly. thank merlin for that said madame pomfrey. she gave grace instructions and the 2 began to work through the many patients. by lunchtime almost everyone was feeling better. another class had just been let out and madame pomfrey was bracing herself for a wave of sick kids. if i leave you in charge while i go talk to mgonagal will this place be ok asked madame pomfrey. sure said grace but inside she was panicking. pomfrey left and grace began to treat all the kids. after half and hour the place was yet again packed. madame pomfrey returned. im impressed but the good news is that dementor is not going to be teaching younger kids said madame pomfrey. grace left for her next class. she did well in her classes but before dinner she decided to change into something less formal. she changed and went back to the great hall. as she sat down next to her friends they shoved an envelope in her face. read it said devon. the letter said that darius was going to be coming to hogwarts to survey the school. darius could take them to the dark city then. why is he surveying hogwarts asked grace. cos hes won the election said aspen. hes the minister for magic squeeled gem. they laughed and went to bed.

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