of bases and bad treatment (66)

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hilda drove them up the steep road before she saw a parking lot. a group of guards stopped her. she rolled down the window. park there and get out said the guard. he pointed at an empty garage. grace put all there plans into gems bag and hid it up her skirt. they all stepped out the caravan into the snowy grounds. the 5 stood in the garage. the guards searched the caravan. after this the guards locked the caravan inside a garage and handed hilda the key. where do we go asked grace. over there to the ski lift said the guard. the group walked into the station. the skit lift had enclosed cabinns witch seemed old and broken down. do we get in asked grace. the guard knodded. they got in the old ski lift and the doors slid closed. the engine roared and the ski lift sprung into life. they saw hardly anything through the snow. the were moving high up into the mountains. the ride took about 10 minutes before they finally reached top station. the guards ushered them out. they overheard a conversation. i dont know how much longer that things got said a woman. its all we got and we cant repair it said another engineer. they stepped out of the station and saw a massive 10 story tall log cabin styled building. wow said grace. above the front double doors where a saign saying grampian skying resort. they entered the massive building and saw the lobby. 10 stories tall with staircases in the corners and doors lining the higher floors. it was a grand hotel indeed. the receptioniest called them over. are you one group asked the receptioist. no said ria. the 3 young girls are on the 9th floor room 282 said the worker. the pregnant woman in the hospital on the floor nine and the man in room 716 in the basement said the worker. they all went off to there rooms. grace aspen and hilda entered there room and saw a nice but cramped room with 2 bunk beds. they saw another girl sitting on the bottom of the one of the bunk beds. hey said grace. oh hi there said the girl. im grace this is aspen and thats hilda said grace. im sonya said the girl. grace and her friends put away there things but grace kept the plans under her mattress. what time is it asked grace. 10pm said sonya. im gonna go to sleep said grace. she went into bed and fell asleep. she awoke at about 10am and got dressed. what am i meant to do here asked grace. just help out said sonya. grace hilda and grace went down to the front desk. where should we go to get food asked grace. this floor through that room in the back for food then we need someone in the hospital and 2 people in lookout deck on the tenth floor said the receptionist. thanks said grace and she and her friends went to the dining hall. it was large nice room with a roaring fire. they ate some decent food before hilda and aspen went up to the observation floor. grace went into the hospital and saw the room was packed. people were groaning in pain and there was no staff. whats going on here grace asked to a less ill looking patient. the doctor is always away groaned the patient. grae began to treat the patients. she was a decent nurse but was very good with broken bones. by lunchtime she had treated all the patients but they would need time to recover in there own rooms. at about 4pm grace was healing a broken leg when the doctor arrived. i can take over said the doctor. grace told him what treatments where needed. i know how to treat people said the doctor. well then maybe be here to treat people said grace. i dont like your tone said the doctor. i dont like you not apprecitating what ive done replied grace. you better leave said the doctor. grace left and walked up to the lookout deck. she was nearly up the staircase when she heard arguements. ive told you i cant see out that eye said hilda. well thats the only binoculars we got shouted an adults voice. whats going on said grace as she stepped onto the deck. her eye is all messed up said the woman. who treated her eye asked the woman. i did said grace. this was true. at the battle of hogsmede grace had healed her eye. well youre an idiot said the woman. im sorry but you try healing an eye while being shot at stated grace. the woman grunted. i didnt catch youre name said grace. its marlene said the woman. its grace said grace. hilda flipped the binoculars and this way she could see out the only working lence. grace looked out over the snowy valley. the snow storm had left the valley blanketed in snow. grace saw that the ski lift looked like it was falling apart. look at that shouted marlene. where asked grace. over at the bottom of the ski lift said hilda. the station seemed to be being stormed by people in cloaks. suddenly a spell shot high in the sky and towards the deck. get down screamed aspen. the people in the deck dropped to the floor as the spell smashed into the roof of the deck. get into the staircase said marlene. they crawled into the the stairs. im going to get help you need to get youre bedroom said marlene. grace hilda and aspen ran across the balcony to there room. they flung open the door and saw sonya having a panic attack. grace ran over and began to try and calm her down. whats wrong asked grace. its my dad hes the doctor but he is going to fight cried sonya. he'll be fine comforted grace. im gonna pack are bags just in case whispered hilda. grace knodded. im gonna see whats going on said aspen.

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