of bad luck and bad sleep (34)

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with the idea of putting the amuelet into the mueseum they needed to figure out how to give it to them. they figured darius could help. he had after all lived in the dark city for years. grace and the others wrote a letter and sent it to him. he had been in london getting ready for the election. the letter was sent and they began to return to school work and other hogwarts related items. they were sitting in a study room chatting when the griffindor prefect entered. hey said grace. bad news said the prefect out of breath. whats wrong asked devon shutting his book. well long story short griffindor tower has been damaged said the prefect. how asked aspen confusidly. something hit the tower and knocked out the top floors of it he said and he walked away. by the way you'll be sleeping in the hufflepuff dorms. shouted the prefect as he walked into another room. are you thinking what im thinking said gem. the necklace said grace. we need to get it said devon. they began to plan and agreed that devon and grace would fly into the tower and find the neclace and carry it to a spot prepped by aspen and gem. the aspen and gem ran off to find a hiding spot and aspen and gem flew out into the grounds. they saw that the top few floors of the tower were in peices and it looked like it was crumbling. they landed on the window sill and saw the nacklace. grab grabbed it in her beek and flew right back to the study room. aspen took the necklacesbox and began to walk quickly. the others followed silently as aspen walked down and down some stairs then into an abandoned room. whats this room for asked devon. its where the ghosts hold there parties said gem. they agreed to help us hide it said aspen placing it into a hollowed out harp. she made sure the harp was indetectable. they left the room and sighed a sigh of releif. where are all are clothes from are dorm asked devon. theyve been brought to are new temporary dorms said a prefect walking up to them. follow me to youre temp dorms said the prefect and the others followed. they walked to near the kitchens and went into a new room they hadnt seen before. the new dorm had 4 bed and a window witch looked into the kitchens. also another window showed the room witch the ghosts partied in. they unpacked there clothes into trunks and closed all the curtains over the beds. they looked at the time. 8pm. how time had flown. they headed for dinner. after dinner they went to bed. the others fell asleep quickly. all but grace. she couldnt ignore the noise of the many house elves preparing breakfast. she ripped open her beds curtains and walked out and into the corridors. she rushed down to the kitchens and stopped at the painting. how does it open she thought. she knocked on the painting and a little house elf walked through it. can you be quiet she said politley. do you want food said the house elf in an oily voice. grace scoughed and went back to her dorm. grace just could not get to sleep. she stuffed in earplugs and tried to get to sleep.

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