of landing and learning (26)

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they all woke up and saw they were nearing america and they were in higher spirits. aspen was looking down at the sea from the front windows. she spotted a ship and panicked she flew them higher up above the cloud. she called the other over. they had been reading peoples private letters. what said grace. theres a ship below us said aspen. and so asked gem cynically. well what if we're attacked again said aspen and she looked through some binoculars at the clouds below. devon went back to snooping but grace was on edge. grace went pale. she hated hights and was very afraid of being captured. the next day at sunrise aspen woke everyone up. you lot ought to see this she said as she flung everyones bedhseets off. they ran to the front windows. ahead of them was a grand victorian manor. the grounds of the manor had several smaller houses. but what the noticed the most was hundreds and hundreds maybe thousands of witchs and wizards standing in the grounds stairing at them. get the crate said aspen and devon ran to grab the crate. aspen began to land on a small helipad. she was not good at landing or really flying. she forgot to put down the wheels and they dropped down with a bump. a tall witch walked to the doors of the airship. she opened the doors and smiled. welcome she said in an inviting voice. is darius there. no said aspen but he told us to give you this crate said it explains everything. alright then said the witch and she boarded. she wore a long red leather coat on top of a casual looking t shirt and a long green skirt. she looked like a very old woman who knew what everyone was planning. as she was walking in a big man walked over and looked at the squad threateningly. right said the man and he followed the woman who was now cracking open the crate. im muriel leader of the new order of the pheonix said the woman as she conjured a pair of glasses and put them on. the crate was full with smaller boxes and a letter. she ripped open the letter and read it looking serious. alright she said standing up and looking around the airship. now you lot she said pointing to the squad. darius has stated you are to join the order. now in my mind it would be grand but you are children and so its up to you fully. we can make arrangements either way. and she stared at them with no emotion. yes said gem. aspen grace and devon said yes aswell. you made a good choice said muriel. what are you mad said the man. maximillion they made a choice and we need to respect it said muriel. but theyre children said the man glaring at the squad. they wont be on the frontlines said muriel as if ending the conversation. now you 4 have to learn what we're about continued muriel. go to the mansions main hall and you'll be greeted by a blonde woman now chop chop. and she shued them away. what'll happen to the airship asked gem. we'll turn it into a flying embassy said the man. the squad headed from the airship and across the lawn. the witches and wizards were lining the path. they walked down the path and entered the manor. ahead of them was a young looking blonde woman who was waving to them. over here said the woman im haylen il be teaching you what we're doing here. the others agreed and she began to explain. when we heard what was going on we decided that someone had to make a difference. and so we started the new order of the pheonix. so far all we've done is plant spies and train. said haylen. train for what asked devon. well said haylen we plan to overthrow hopcurcks regime. and how are we gonna do that said grace skeptically. we've invented a potion that means you can turn into an animal said haylen. so we're gonna get to be animagus and turn into animals said aspen exitidley. yes said haylen now if you'd mind going into there and she pointed to a large room with a massive vat in the corner. and they headed in. haylen pured 4 bottles of the potion. and handed them eatch a bottle. drink up said haylen with a smile.

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