of explanation and embarrasement (10)

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gracey woke up in a familiar but unpleasent room. hello gracey said anyone there. only us said the squad. and me said mgonagal as she walked towards gracies bed and sat down in a chair near them. she pulled out some knitting needles and began to explain what happened. for years dark forces have been trying to impenatrate this castle. this year is not even over and yet we have had quite the amount of....... situations. as you all know she contiued as you know a girl has been causing quite the amount of problems. she has not been herself. she has been possesed by a vampire. a clan of vampires have made their home in the hills near hogsmede. they have been terrosing students at all hours. they have been sucking the blood of animals to get by. this results in them growing stronger then any vampire has before. they have been locked in azcabahn but with their leader dead i doubt they'd manage for much longer. alexandrias mother has been possesing her for the year. now due to this being quite the crisis we have decided that a rumour will be emitted so that she will not have her social life ruined. mgonagal finished and took a deep breath expecting the onslaught of questions. what is the rumour asked gem. mgonagal sighed and began again. the story goes you accidentally unleashed a vampire. who then attacked all of you said mgonagal. what shouted gem. WHO APPROVED THIS screamed aspen. gracey fainted and hit her stack of pillows. now mgonagal stated a cash sum of galleons will be given to your familys as a bit of. her voice went quieter hush money. the squad had to be quiet. it was now december 23rd and all of hogwarts was being lit up by proffessor flitwick. all the crew were out the hospital wing and the rumour had spread very very fast and know everyone was casually insulting gracey and the others. you nearly ruined hogwarts screamed a disgruntled 1st year. this was a common ocurance but the squad were not allowed to claim the rumour was fake. in exchange the teachers agreed to turn a blind eye to any antics the squad got up to. amy who had been attacked by alexandria was now healed up and was now quickly becoming friends with the rest of the squad. as for alexandria she had continued in her ways. she had remembered all she said and did but pretended she had forgotten. the squad had established a new hangout inside the old dueling hall. the diary had been lost however spirits were high.

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