of entry and entire cults (55)

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they walked across the grounds to the manor. they could see the man in the bedroom asleep and grace knew the woman couldnt walk. she was so ill that even leaving bed would have been a challenge. the front door was open and so they just walked in. they walked into the first floor library and began to look at items where there. they put any books that seemed important into there bags. they didnt dare speak a word. they heard footsteps. they ran from the library to the kitchens they saw a coal bunker. grace flung open the lid and they dived in. she closed it and she heard the mans voice. who goes there said the man. the coal bunker was dirty but didnt have any coal in it. the 6 barely fitted inside it. the man walked away to shower. once he was gone they got out of the little bunker. they wandered around. what should we do asked arthur. just keep searching for stuff said gem. il make sure he dosent leave the bathroom said grace. she went to the door of the bathroom. she locked the door from the outisde and went to the mans bedroom. she saw a box filled with lists of members of the disciples. they were in another language but she took them so she could find a translater. she stole small items like peices of jewelry. she then heard the doorbell ring. grace ran to the library and saw her friends. where should we go asked hilda. the attic suggested aspen. no said grace. where then asked devon. the attics are best bet said aspen. the others knodded and they ran upstairs. they heard the man trying to bang the door down. they saw a ladder to the loft and pulled it down. they climbed up and then pulled up there ladder. as they shut the hatch they heard the man finally get out the bathroom. he went down to the front door and let in the guests. hello said one of the guests. wheres mum asked a girl about graces age. shes upstairs said the man. the guests walked upstairs and towards the room where the lady was. is bellatrix ready to talk asked a guest. yes said the man. youve done a cracking job delvin said another guest. they entered the room where bellatrix was. the crew walked over the rafters of the house to above the bedroom. they put there ears to the floor and listened in. hello mother said the girl. my dear beatrice said bellatrix in her normal ill sounding voice. we must begin the meeting said bellatrix. as you know we failed at the battle of hogsmede and i was badly injured. my body ill was taken here by the equally ill delvin. he nursed me to my current health but i am not long for this world. but mother introjectud beatrice. i have no power left in my boody and no treatment would help me said bellatrix. she coughed and began to choke and choke. if you pass who will lead us said a disciple. my daugter will be an excellent leader coughed bellatrix. now hunt me another sacrafice spluttered bellatrix. the cult leaders all let except beatrice. she sat beside her mother as bellatrix coughed and coughed. she gagged on her own breath. what should we do asked grace. we should kill bellatrix suggested devon. no said grace. we should leave said gem. fine agreed devon. they all got up and creeped down the ladder. they ran down the stairs and out the front door. the carrige was gone. what do we do asked aspen. we walk said hilda. they walked along the roads to the city. they arrived at the bunkhouse the other students on the trip were staying at. they all put there things away before heading to a cafe. the rest of the week away was very enjoyable. by the end of the trip they felt much more relaxed. they went back to hogwarts to analyze the things they had stolen.

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