of missions and meeting (61)

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grace and aspen made breakfast and then everyone but grace and theryn left. gems letter to darius had gotten a quick response and an escort wold arrive that afternoon. grace walked the streets to investigate the library. she entered the library and began to look at the hundreds of books. they were all muggle books but grace still thought they were intresting. she was looking at a book on the history of coins when she heard someone outside. she ran downstairs and out the library. she saw a familiar face. it was someone she had met in the dark city. she greeted the guard and the 2 walked to the car park. theryn and the guard left soon after. grace was alone now and she felt a little afraid. grace decided to go to the grave of the boy. she walked into the church yard and picked a few flowers. she put them on the grave and began to cry. she felt alone in the world. she was sitting on a bench thinking when she heard a woosh from above her. she looked around and saw a cloak swish around a corner. grace gulped. she took out her wand and stood up. hello she said. she plucked up confidence and began to walk out of the graveyard. she saw a figure run inside a shop. who goes there shouted grace. she ran into the shop. she heard noise upstairs. she ran up the stairs in the shop and saw the window smashed. grace ran and looked out the window. she saw the church across the road. the bell began to ring. what do you want from me shouted grace. she heard no response. she got a shiver down her spine. she ran downstairs and over to the motorhome. she locked the door and sat down. for the rest of the day she just read a book. she heard her friends return and went to greet them. how did it go asked grace. not bad but not good responded gem. what went wrong asked grace. we spent 3 hours getting there and the mansion was empty explained aspen. well we need to plan said devon as he got in. hilda conjured a table outside and grace conjured some seats. they all sat down. gem began. well we planned to go to ottery st catchpol said gem. this is because arthur weasley lives there and at the end of the 2nd wizarding war he took alot of documents from the order. so we should take them asked hilda. yes answered devon. they agreed to drive there after christmas. the evening was particulary quiet. everyone was tired so they went to bed soon. before grace went to bed she decided to go to the abandoned pharmacy to get a heartburn tablet. grace was just picking out a pakcet when she heard a noise. it was the church bells. she grabbed the pack and flung it in her pocket. she ran to the motorhome. do you hear that she asked the others. the others knodded. theres someone watching us said aspen. well what do we do said grace. we get whos doing it said hilda while getting out of bed. grace and hilda ran and saw someone ringing the bells. hilda ran upstairs of the church but grace stayed downstairs. someone jumped from the church tower. it jumped in front of her. grace looked at the person. 9 feet tall and thin. the person wore a long black cloak over a jumpsuit. who are you asked grace as she looked up at the person. the person hissed. who sent you asked grace. the creature slowly took a note from its pocket. it put the note in graces hand. grace read the note. it told of how the person was sent to investigate grace and her friends. the person was meant to observe and then report back. please dont go back to the disciples said grace softly. the creature hissed and nearly spoke. you can talk to me said grace. i dont want to go back said the person. you dont have to said grace. just then hilda came out the church. the creature jumped 20 feet in the air and dived away from them. what on earth was that shouted hilda. we need to leave screamed grace. grace and hilda were running back to the motorhome when they heard flames. the disciples are here said grace as she ran into the motorhome. arthur got into the drivers seat and began to drive. where are we going asked gem. anywheres better then here said arthur.

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