of massive problems and mistakes (88)

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grace returned from class and went to hang out with kade. the 2 were walking and talking about decorations. they were walking down a country road when they saw a mansion ahead of them. it was a large brick mansion witch seemed empty. they decided to enter and explore. it was empty other then some covered over furniture. it was grandly apointed but dusty as a desert. they saw footprints in the dust leading up the stairs. someones been here recently said grace. we should follow them said kade. they walked up the stairs and into the landing. they all leaded into a bedroom. they opened the door. and saw a shocking sight. a pinboard on the wall tracked grace and her friends. it was all a sort of manifesto. what the fuck said kade. they heard the front door swing open. hide whispered grace. no we should leave said kade. he cast a spell to lock the door and opened the window. ladies first whispered kade. grace jumped out and landed on the soft grass. about 10 seconds later kade dived down. we need to get out of here he muttered. they ran along the roads and back to school. they got in and told the others. you think it was beatrix asked hilda. im almost certain said grace. i want you to know that i dont do fights said kade. so youre a pacifist said devon. yeah said kade. im vegan but i dont think thats the same thing said hilda. you know this dorm feels really weird said aspen. it has no personality said grace. they set about redocarting it. kade took a paintng off the wall. NO screamed devon. its gems painting shouted grace. suddenly the lights flickered and someone groaned. whats going on said kade. its gem hes haunting us again said grace. grace dived under her blankets and the other dived under there own. they heard footsteps. and groaning. i know youre there whispered gems ghost. he dissapeared. they stood up and saw his painting on the wall just like before. they all went to bed. the awoke early the next morning. it was saturday witch meant no school. grace and her friends decided to go on a picnic. they packed the food and went for a walk. they were climbing a hill when as they crested the hill they saw the ruins of hogwarts. it was tattered and destroyed. it had mostly all collapsed. the great hall looks nearly intact observed devon. we should go and eat in there suggested aspen. they all walked into the ruined courtyard. the castle was so massive it loomed over them. grace shed a tear over the ruins. the doors were shut but hilda managed to unlock them. they saw a sight that was as revulting. it was piles of bodies. they entered the great hall and sat down. as they were eating the heard people outside. suddenly grace saw the doors begin to swing open. hide whispered grace. they hid under tables but grace was too late. a group of disciples entered the hall. they aimed there wands. no more games shouted a disciple. he shot a curse at grace and she flew back. she was weak. she could hardly move. if we defend the castle it could be a home shouted a disciple. i dont think the girl was alone said a disciple. there probably back in the dorms said another disciple. they left the room and the doors swung shut. everyone get out of here muttered grace. she could hardly talk. we need to get out of here said hilda. you go without me said grace. never said kade. i'll find a way out said hilda. hilda and devon left through the back door to find an escape route. kade and aspen ran up to grace. im so so sorry said kade. its not your fault said grace. here take my bag said grace. she took off her large bookbag and gave it to kade. dont make this be in vain said grace. she dragged herself to her feet. just go said grace. kade left but aspen stayed. i dont wanna leave you cried aspen. this is how its gonna be said grace. i love you said aspen. grace leaned in and kissed her. the two kissed and aspen hugged her and left. grace faced the door and charged forward. she blasted open the door and began battling the disciples. the last anyone saw was grace being crushed by a gigantic gargoyle. GRACE screamed aspen. she was pulled into the backroom by hilda. we need to run said devon. they ran down and out of the ruined castle and ran all the way to the school. aspen was crying and so was kade. he was un consolable. aspen knew grace was gone but it didnt make it any easier.

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