of politics and pampering (57)

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the coming weeks anounced that there was a new minster for magic. he was yet to be named but he was surely a puppet for the disciples. grace felt very concerned. with a ban from leaving the grounds grace felt very bored. the ban was okay but it was the fog. it was denser and dencer. the second task was arranged for 3 weeks later. this was no problem for arthur due to him having a file on all the tasks. he knew he would have to solve 5 puzzles to unlock a box. the first to open the box won. the task was heald in the quiditch pitch. on halloween grace and her friends went down to the pitch to see the task. 3 rooms were placed in the pitch but they had glass ceilings so people could look in. the task begun. henre got in first and was applaued by hundreds of supporters. arthur couldnt get his chest open so he came in second. theryn was last place and was booed by her supporters. she had let down beauxbatons. at the end of the event professor mg anounced that the yule ball was going to be the day before christmas holidays began so everyone should pick out an outfit and partner for the event. grace walked with her friends to dinner and sat down for the halloween feast. arthur walked over and sat down. how you doing grace he asked. im good you she responded. i could be better but i suppose i did my best he answered. ah well comforted grace. also do you want to got to the yule ball with me asked arthur. of course said grace. she blushed as he kissed her. anyone feel like asking me joked gem. id rather go with alexandria joked aspen. gem acted shocked but he didnt want to go with aspen. the next day grace sent a letter to her mum to ask for an outfit. her mum responded by giving her a coupon for the perfect parlor witch it turned out was a spa in hogsmede. grace hadnt told her muriel had banned her from going to hogsmede but grace decided that she would just go anyway. after all the ban wasnt enforced by the school and muriel was in america. grace arranged for her aspen and hilda to head to the parlor a week before the ball. november was a very boring month. even the classes were boring. the new minister still hadnt been anounced and the fog was coming closer. the day of there trip to the perfect parlor started with grace feeling ill. her stomach felt like it was on fire. she didnt cancel because she was very excited. she aspen and hilda went down to the carriges wich would take them to the village. as they were waiting for the carrige to get moving theryn got in. oh hi said grace and she shook theryns hand. good performance in the last challenge said aspen. aw thanks responded theryn. they continued to chat while the carrige thundered to the village. they pulled up at hogsmede and they went off to the perfect parlor. theryn had went to the outfit shop. the perfect parlor was a pink looking large building. they entered the lobby and showed there coupons. just go wherever you want and get any treatment you want said the woman behind the desk. her face looked fake with high up eyebrows and pretrouding cheek bones. the lady was also caked in makeup. grace hilda and aspen split up. hilda went to try the pool and gym. aspen went to get a few massages but grace first went to get her hair styled. she sat down. what do you want said the stylist. well im going to the yule ball with a champion and i need to look good explained grace. well i know youre blonde but why dont we brighten it with some dye suggested the stylist. sure answered grace. he bleached her natrually blonde hair a more orange blonde. after this he backcombed it and puffed it up at the back. last he sprayed it so it would last for weeks. grace left the room to see what else there was. she got a few massages and some time in the pool. her hair was extremely solid. she stumbled into a room where they offered temporary spells to improve somes look. she got a spell where her eyebrows became higher in her face. she also booked a makeup person to come and do her makeup on the morning of the ball. grace left the spa due to it becoming dark. aspen looked upset. once the 3 were in the carriges grace asked what was wrong. the lady told me my hair was horrible because its ginger said aspen. how dare she said hilda. its fine responded aspen. she just looked out the window and out into the dense fog.

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