of america and airships (25)

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the village was small and filled with villagers. who were rushing to great them. we wont be keeping you said darius to the mayor. i arranged an airship for me and my friends here. yes its waiting ontop of the hill. we're just fuelling it now it'll be ready in the mornin said the mayor and he tol them to stay in the inn overnight. they headed into the little pub and went up to their rooms. i need to return and defend the dark city said darius throwing on a cloak. he left and set off for the journey to the nearest pond to use. the squad headed out to explore the village. hey went around the rolling scottish hills and found a spot to sit and chat. im nerovus said grace, what if darius dosent return. it'll be fine said devon. why arent you burning asked aspen. oh i didnt notice i wasnt burning joked devon. gem looked at them and said. didnt you know he said. about what said aspen. well the reason those people where there is they had inventted a cure for vampirism said gem. oh said devon and he smiled. they relaxed a sunbathed for a while before heading for the inn at dinner time. the inn was packed and they saw darius in the corner looking worried. whatss wrong asked devon. the cities in chaos. there was a split. people who wanted to run the city as a hiding spot for all and a group of people who wanted to turn the humans into vampires. i left when they began killing said darius. thats terrible said devon. its fine but we need to escape britain. the ministry are hunting us down said darius, we're setting out for america to plan the revolution. now we need to head off early morning. and so they all headed to bed early. at 6am they were woken and set off for where the waiting airship was sat. they boarded the airhsip. in one room at the front was the controls and also a few sofas for sitting on. and through double doors was a smaller room at the back with bunk beds and a door witch lead to the toilet. they sat down and got ready to fly. darius handed grace a crate and told her to keep it safe. darius set the course and they began to lift. darius looked serious and told the squad i have to stay here but you can go to america. when you land you'll be greeted by a man hand him the crate he'll explain it to you and just like that darius jumped out and dissapeared. what said grace but before she could finish a word darius was gone. sweet jesus said aspen. the airship began to fly and the squad looked around. they found enough food for a week and also a cargo hold filled with crates of letters addressed to random people. by lunch they were fee,ing better. grace was getting sea sick despite being high above the atlantic. how could darius be so iresponsable said devon. he must have had a reason said aspen as she gazed out over a cruise ship far below. hey look a ship she continued. they all looked out the window at the ship and saw all the people on the deck. is it just me or is there someone on a flying broom said gem. before they knew it hundreds of people on brooms were flying at them. gem screamed and drew his wand. shut the windows yelled aspen and she closed the windows and barricaded the boarding doors. the people on brooms swarmed them. thoose are ministry agents said devon, we gotta lose em. aspen reached for the controls and began steering from side to side. knocking many of the people off there brooms and into the sea. devon saw a manual and flicked through it. he read aloud to aspen "the bagshot automatic flying ship is useable via either programming wheel placed inside the cargo hold or controls through the panel. push a lever forward for up or ahead and back for either down or reverse. aspen flung a lever witch spead them up. she began steering in a zig zag pattern. they flew like this for hours. they were leaning from side to side and soon they had lost the wizards on brooms. aspen stepped back from the controls and the ship returned to usual. they decided it was best to sleep.

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