of searching and shortages (71)

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lorna sat grace aspen and hilda down on the sofas and made them some toast. so what are you doing here asked lorna as she sat down. we came here to get are friends said aspen. must be some good friends said lorna. well one of thems my boyfriend and the others my adopted brother said grace. well thats a good reason said lorna. where are they then asked lorna. of that we dont know said hilda. well you could try looking in the morning said lorna. its lunchtime isnt it said grace. is it ive been down here so long we've all made are own time zone joked lorna. are you still leader asked grace. yeah replied lorna. im taking its a hard job said grace. since grace had last seen lorna she had became more descheveled and her hair was greying. she was a young woman but she looked much older. its hard leading a bunch of rowdy revolutionaries said lorna. its about bed time said lorna. youre bedrooms still upstairs said lorna. grace aspen and hilda went up to the bedroom. lorna seems troubled said aspen. it cant be easy running this place said hilda. last time we were here she looked young and lively said grace. she was also leading with a group of other people added aspen. wonder what happened to them said grace. they felt tired so they all fell asleep. the next morning grace awoke to see hilda and aspen mapping out where gem arthur and devon where. they could either be in the bunkhouse said hilda or they could be at the bloodworks. we'll try the bloodworks said grace. the 3 got ready and headed out for the factory. they saw the tunnel leading to it and walked down. they saw the sandstone factory covered in chains. at the front door was sign witch read. closed by order of the high administrator. what asked grace. why would lorna close it said aspen. we shouldnt ask her said grace. why not asked hilda. we need to be tactful said aspen. the 3 left to got to the bunkhouse. the bunkhouse was in the tallest part of the cavern. it was 10 floors of bunks. grace and her friends went to the front desk. we're looking for 3 boys named gem devon and arthur said grace. im afriad they arent with us at the moment said the receptionist. she filed her nails. where can we find them then asked hilda. i dont mean to be blasphomous but maybe check the proving grounds said the receptionist. thanks non blasphomous lady said grace as she left. the 3 went to where the proving grounds were. they entered a massive cavern and saw a giant prison. they went inside the visitors entrance. who are you looking for said the guard. gem devon and arthur said grace. so they do know people here mumbled the guard. il get them said another guard. why the hell would they be in prison whispered grace. you know what gems like joked aspen. grace and her friends waited for a few minutes before gem arthur and devon walked in. grace ran over and hugged arthur. take them to youre residence ordered the guard. will do said grace. they walked and talked. why the hell were you in prison asked grace. we came in with refugees and we couldnt convince them we had family in the city said devon. why were you thrown in prison then asked aspen. its policy to throw people who dont have family in the prison said arthur. thats horrible said grace. she held arthurs hand. what have you been doing asked gem. we first went to a order base but then it got attacked and we had to escape with darius said hilda. and then things got worse when we were stuck with an angry doctor and a woman who did his bidding added aspen. so you havent gotten any information said gem. we tried to but its more complicated said aspen. so you have you done gem asked grace. ive been locked in a prison grace said gem. anyway where can we get some food asked arthur. maybe at a restraunt said grace. they went to the center of town and looked for a restraunt. they were all boarded up because of food shortages. food shortages exclaimed devon looking at another boarded up restraunt. it didnt seem like a shortage in lornas kitchen joked grace. we should ask her about it said hilda. nah we wanna be tactful said grace. you cant solve all youre problems with tact said aspen. i can and i will said grace. gem did you know the bloodworks was shut down said aspen. they did what said gem confusidly. gem looked puzzled. we need to talk to lorna about this said arthur. the others mumbled in agreement. grace agreed aswell despite this being a bad idea in her opinion. they headed for crowley house to confront lorna.

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