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I walked in my room finding it dark. The balcony door was open and the only light came from the bathroom door.

"Tony?" He didn't answer. I close the door and walked around the room, questions burning my head all the time. After a long conversation with Harvey and Alicia, I was now fully catched up on all matters surrounding my dad's work and Blaine corporations.

"Tony?!" The bathroom door opened and there was Tony wearing only a towel. His hair was wet dripping into his body. My mouth gaped as he walked towards me with a smirk in his face.

"What is it?" He said innocently. I quickly shook all my thoughts of ripping that towel off and focused on the goal at hand.

He walked slowly towards me but I quickly put a hand in his chest stopping him from coming any further.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I need to talk to you." He frowned as I sat on the bed not knowing how to start or what exactly I even wanted to say. My relationship with him, or whatever we were doing, was clouding my judgment so much. Or in the words of Alicia, it was a "conflict of interest". "I uh—" he sat next to me placing a hand on my thigh which only made me more anxious. I looked at him sighting, he just smiled.

"We can keep quiet until you find your words hon, but we do have a dead party to go to." I rolled my eyes gathering my courage.

"Look, I know—" his phone started ringing. He got up to check and sighting answered it.

"Yes?" He began talking to what I figured was an angry Pepper. Probably because he just flew across the ocean without telling anyone. After about five minutes he hung up. "Anyway, what were you saying?" I shook my head fake smiling. I needed to geth through tonight without ruining any relationship or not situations.

"We'll talk tonight." I got up and began to get ready. I need alcohol. A lot of alcohol. I looked to the balcony my eyes widening. "Tony? What is Iron Man doing in my balcony?"

 "Tony? What is Iron Man doing in my balcony?"

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"Hey." I said grabbing his attention. "Stay close, don't talk too much and definitely don't wander off. These are French people, more importantly, my dad's people." He nodded grinning. "I mean it Tony, that means they don't like you. Or me. But more you."

"Fine. Promise. Also, how do people come to a party that was made that day?"

"They were coming anyway for the funeral, also, like I said they're french." We walked inside the huge pool house filled with people, most of them turned around to see us but I kept my eye on the prize. "The bar." I said.

"Yep." Tony ordered our drinks as people I didn't know came to speak to me. I didn't say anything, firstly because I didn't know who the fuck they were and more importantly my eyes were glued to the one person I prayed to God wouldn't be here. But God has some beef with me apparently. "Okay what is it? You look like you wanna punch me in the face every time I talk and this quiet grieving daughter thing, I'm not buying."

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