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"Lainey.... Lainey?... Lainey!" I jumped at Clint's hand on my shoulder.

It took me a second to remember where I was. Lunch, Tower, Training, Mission, Tony's not here. The list isn't that long.

"Where'd you go?" He asked sitting next to me. I took a small bite of the omelet shrugging, pretending to go back to reading. "Are you okay?" I didn't answer him rolling my eyes. Somehow, he whole tower suddenly knew about the files.

"Have you seen Tony today?" He pursed his lips. Tony had left in a mess three days ago and had gone AWOL.

After the whole shower situation, he got dressed, said he had to take care of some things and... well yeah, that sums it up. He'd given Happy strict instructions to not let me leave this building. As if!

I snuck out many times, going for walks in the running track near the compound, late night drives passing the speed limit

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I snuck out many times, going for walks in the running track near the compound, late night drives passing the speed limit. Anything to fill that empty place where he was. Fuck. I hate myself. Shit. No, no. I can't think like this.

Ever since the news came out, probably Tony not keeping his mouth shut, so they'll know to protect me, everyone walks around me like I'm a glass house. Which makes me want to rage. They talk politely, they smile every time they see me, they ask for my opinion in everything; like how am I supposed to know which polish is better for your shield Steve?

"I'm sure he'll come tonight." said Clint, I frowned.

"What's tonight?" he sat next to me on the stool grabbing the remote. He looked at me shocked. "What, is it obvious or something?" He cleared his throat.

"It's thanksgiving. The Avenger's Thanksgiving party?" I cocked my head. "Let me guess, you've never celebrated Thanksgiving." I shook my head smiling. "Well, we have a thanksgiving virgin! That's exiting."

"Don't say that." He laughed sitting up to go to his special couch place. I followed him plopping down. Some boring news came on as I stared at the screen thinking about tonight.

I hadn't said it back. I had stood there staring at him. I just couldn't say it. Why? Fuck. It was there, in my heart. In my mind. The most painful words on the universe, but I couldn't say them. Not right now, not to him. I cared to much.

I couldn't say them when I didn't know if I had another day to cherish those words with him. I couldn't say them when I could possibly leave him in a week or so.

Fuck. I don't deserve him. "Blainey?" I scoffed at Clint's nickname for me. But the little smile disappeared when I saw his face. He looked... sad? I followed his eyes to the TV. My face fell as I grabbed the remote from Clint's hand to turn up the volume.

"Billionaire Tony Stark was spotted in Las Vegas casino last night accompanied by bioengineer Maya Hansen for the night. Rumors indicate his recent relationship with Doctor Lainey Blaine ended in recent days after the couple was supposed to attend the September Ball, but failed to show up." I didn't listen to the rest, or Clint's calls. The picture was enough. My head began to spin as I walked around the compound. I needed to leave. I needed to leave.

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