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"Marry me!" 

I turned around widening my eyes. What did he just say? I slowly started walking up to him. I didn't hear him right, no. No way. 

"Marry me." I looked into his eyes. He was serious. 

"No!" Tony slumped his shoulders, a little hint of a smile in his face. Is he insane? No. No. 

"This is never happening again." I said chuckling. 

"Oh it totally is." Tim turned the radio up. A Chase Atlantic song booming. I looked at him laughing,. "Tell me what you're doing on the other side!" he sang at the top of his lungs as I made it out on the highway. 

"You have a terrible voice." 

"I have an amazing voice ma'am thank you." he leaned back with a cheeky smile looking at me. "Ready?" 

"Never." I pushed flat out on the pedal, the force making my head lean back on the seat. The roar of the engine filled my ears along with Tim's shout as he opened the widow letting the cold winter air in. 

It was the day before Christmas, his birthday. 

"All of your friends have been here for too long,
they must be waiting for you to move on!" 

we sang smiling ear to ear as I took a fast corner drifting into the empty roads. Dad owned these roads, no one passed around. 

I stopped the car looking at Tim. He chuckled grabbing my hand and squeezing it. 

"You're the only person I need today."


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