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"Good morning." I smiled at his groggy morning voice. He pushed me against his body kissing my neck.

"Morning." I said turning around to kiss him. I ran my hand through his smooth hair feeling his skin on mine. He pushed away.

"You didn't sleep." He'd gotten so used to reading my face every morning. I rolled my eyes. He shook his head, a tiny smile on his face. He kissed me again. The soft warm lips pulling at mine as his hands ran through my body. "I wont be home tonight."

This time I pulled away. "Why?" he sighted tracing my shoulder with his finger.

"The director called me last night," last night? "they need me for some recruiting program, and my brother called as well for some family stuff." I nodded putting my hand around his torso. Alex had a way of making you feel safe, and loved, just by his presence. "I saw you last night."

I looked up into his green eyes, a lump in my throat. Why did I need to feel guilty? "In the yard, with Stark."


"I know nothing happened. I trust you enough Laine. I love you." I kissed his lips slowly holding his face.

"I love you too." he smiled.

"I just need to know, that, what we have, wont change, because they're here. Or, more specifically, he's here." I paused studying his face.

"He knows Teddy is his." Alex got lost into my eyes, pursing his lips.

"That's good." I frowned confused. "He should know Lainey, he had a right since day one." I chuckled.

"He still thinks you're an asshole." Alex rolled his eyes playfully.

"Um, you're talking about the time where I practically fucked your dads funeral so you could leave before Seth came?" I laughed as he hovered above me pecking my neck.

"Yeah." I said in between giggles.

"That time?" Alex found my face kissing me deeply, I opened my mouth for him groaning when his tongue fought inside me. He started grinding on me slowly. I placed my hands under his shirt feeling his warm skin. He grabbed my thighs spreading them while kissing my jaw, his hard on pressing on me. I moaned lightly when he sucked on my chest.

A knock on the door made him freeze. "Fucking hell." He whispered. I knew that knock all to well. Alex groaned. "Does he have to wake up before the birds?"

"Say less. He's later than usual." Teddy entered his head in the door. Alex winked at him mentioning with his head to me. That was enough to bring the boy jumping on top of me on the bed as Alex began to tickle him and me at the same time.

I laid down there seeing Alex throw Teddy in the air.

I was lucky. I had them. Did Tony have that? Was he at any time... happy?

He sat on the dry grass, a white rose in his hand hanging as he played with it.

There was nothing to be heard, just birds occasionally, a ruffle of the leaves from some random person coming and going.

But a quietness had fallen over the place.

"When's the last time you slept?" His deep voice woke him from the daze. He looked at the concrete stone in front of him. Then wiping his nose, sat up putting the flower where her head should be.

White roses, her favorites.

"What do you want?" He asked straightening his suit.

Mr. StarkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant