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I wish I was normal, to be honest. Not just being Spider-Man, but being speech impaired and hearing impaired. Neither of those were my fault, though. It wasn't my fault some stupid radioactive spider decided I tasted so well they had to take a bite. Taking on the role I had now sucked, having to keep it a secret, besides my two friends Ned and MJ knowing.

I was that flying monkey people saw on the internet or the daily bugle posted about. 2012 : Spiderman saves the day! Masked Vigilante stops armed robbery! Was all the headlines said, and honestly? It felt good to not be known for the most part. Keeping my identity a secret wasn't hard to say the least. Only issue was my senses going off in school.

I was "mute" as kids at my school would say, but I wasn't. I just chose not to speak, the only people every really hearing my voice being my Aunt May, Ned, and MJ.

"Hey Alex, what's up?" Ned said, and I pointed up to the sky. I got a laugh out of him.

"When are we finishing the star destroyer?"


"Time and place?" Ned said excitedly.

" 'Partment." I nodded, walking to my class. Science, it was boring to say the least.

"Look it's the mute! Why don't you speak ass-can!" Flash laughed, causing some people to laugh with him. I didn't care, why should I? I had nothing to lose.

"Come on, not even a smile or any reaction? Wow they're mute, emotionless, and deaf!" Flash sneered, shoving me into a locker. My body was numb, it had been numb. I didn't feel the wrath of Flash's harassment.

Ned helped me pick up my book and my phone, handing them over.

"Don't listen to him, he's an asshole." Ned said with a smile. I returned a small smile back and put my apple earbuds in and started playing some songs on my iTunes, then checked the date. It was 2012, of course.

Now playing : Put Your Head on my Shoulder, by Paul Anka.

I silently hummed the tune, it was a very calming song in my opinion. Rounding the corner, Ned and I made our way into Science class as soon as the bell rang.

"Now, class. I need you to tell me what we went over yesterday. Who can tell me what does Work equal?"

"Work is the thing we do when something moves." Flash blurted out.

"No, how about you Alex?" I scribbled something onto a notepad and passed it to Ned, who read it out.

"Work is the total amount of work you have a force exerted on an object."

"Very well, Alex. You too Ned."

"Thanks." Ned said, resuming our conversation.

"Look, if you were bit by a spider wouldn't you shoot webs from your anus and not your wrists?"

"No, Nedward. I'm not sure, I'm no scientist." I mumbled.

"But seriously though, what did you get bitten by? Like it's a cool origin story."

"Well on that dumb field trip to that science laboratory, we went to the endangered species place and they said a spider had gone missing to be aware. All I did was look at one of the snakes and all the sudden something crawled up my hand and bit me. Then when I got home I accidentally stuck to the wall, had an insane reflex, and had shit coming out of my wrists."

I said, not too enthusiastic about it. Every hero did have an origin story, but mine wasn't cool. I didn't care if it was or wasn't, it was stupid. I didn't think of myself that way.

"Now, next week is the last week of school, you already took your finals and SAT things, so enjoy your break." The teacher said just as the bell rang, and Ned and I grabbed our stuff and got out of the room.

I was about to turn the corner when a harsh shove sent me flying backwards and to the ground. To nobody's surprise it was Flash.

"Come on, Alex. Stand up!" Flash bellowed, and in seconds there was a ring around us and phones everywhere, recording us. Getting up, I tried to walk away but was shoved back into the crowd by one of Flash's dumb goons.

"Don't be shy, Alex! Fight me you weirdo." Flash said, giving me a shove. I didn't want to fight, to be fair in all situations I didn't want to.

Flash took a swing at me and I felt the crack of my nose. Another two swings and my lip was busted open.

"Pathetic little shit, no wonder why everyone you loved died." Flash laughed, but was soon short lived as I grabbed his arm and twisted it around, standing up and holding it at his back.

Shoving him into a locker, he tried to take a swing, but I ducked under it and kicked him square in the balls, and seamlessly uppercutted him, causing him to fall over while holding his crotch. Thanks senses.

"Alex says fuck you Flash and to fuck off, and if you bother them again they'll fuck you up even worse." Ned said after I walked away. I didn't tell him to say that but it was very obvious. I started going off to my favorite class. Music.

It wasn't where you only played one instrument, you learned all instruments. It was great for me since I loved music. Not a single hour without listening to music.

"Hey Alex." MJ said, bumping into me to get my attention.


"So, that was really sick what you did to Flash. You might wanna fix your nose and lip though."

"I'm fine."

"Whatever you say, Parker." MJ held open the door for me as I entered the room. There she was, Ms Rushman in all of her glory. All the boys drooled over her, saying how she could probably take charge in bed.

I didn't care, she was my music teacher and speech teacher, nothing more and nothing else. I wasn't bothered by her, I think she took a liking to me, not like that though. Rushman always was very leant with what I do in the class, maybe it was because I didn't talk? I don't know.

"Afternoon friends." Ms Rushman said as we sat down.

"MJ you and Alex will be partnered again, since you both work productively together." She said with a smile, pointing over to the piano which the class was now learning.

"Thanks Ms Rushman." MJ said, and all I did was nod. I took a seat on the stool and started toying around with the keys, getting a feel from them.

"Isn't Ms Rushman also your speech therapist in school?" MJ questioned. Not sure how she didn't know, it had been a full year.

"Yes, it has been year, didn't know?"

"Just forgot, your stutter isn't as bad as it used to be."


"You ready?" MJ said, looking over at me.

"I guess." I closed my eyes and felt around again, and nodded. Pressing my fingers gently against the keys, I started playing "Dancing Queen" from Mama Mia.

I heard MJ humming the lyrics, and soon it was either just me zoning out, or the entire class had stopped to hear me play.

"See that Girl.. watch that scene.. diggin' the dancing queen.." MJ hummed, and I finished. There was silence, then some claps from the class.

"Very well Alex, I'm surprised you could play the piano. As for you, MJ, lovely humming." Ms Rushman said, patting my shoulder and smiling at MJ.

"I know, my humming is better than Mozart's songs."

I used some basic ASL to her, "It came naturally I guess" and she nodded.

"Well good for you. Keep playing well and you'll be amazing." Ms Rushman said, smiling before going over to a boy who was.. well ruining the violin sound.

"Let me have a go now." MJ said, taking my seat and tried playing some songs. If anything, it was going to be one long, long summer.

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